Publications of Michael D. Petraglia
All genres
Book (6)
Early human behaviour in global context: the rise and diversity of the Lower Paleolithic record. Routledge, London (1998), 502 pp.
Formation processes in archaeological context. Prehistory Press, Madison, Wisc. (1993), 188 pp.
Stone artifact refitting and formation processes at the Abri Dufaure: an Upper Paleolithic site in Southwest France. (1992), 16 pp.
Book Chapter (46)
Book Chapter
3, pp. 33 - 77 (Ed. Korisettar, R.). The Mythic Society, Bengaluru (2022)
Geometric Morphometrics and Handaxe shape at Benkaneri in the Proterozoic Kaladgi Basin, Karnataka, South India. In: Beyond stones and more stones: defining Indian prehistoric archaeology, Vol. 205.
Book Chapter
Blue Arabia, green Arabia: Examining human colonisation and dispersal models. In: Geological setting, palaeoenvironment and archaeology of the Red Sea, pp. 675 - 683 (Eds. Rasul, N. M.A.; Stewart, I. C.F.). Springer International Publishing, Cham (2018)
Book Chapter
2, pp. 95 - 126 (Ed. Korisettar, R.). The Mythic Society, Bengaluru (2018)
The emergence of agriculture and pastoralism in the Northern Maidan region of South Deccan, South India. In: Beyond Stones and More Stones, Vol. 207.
Book Chapter
The south Asian Microlithic: Homo sapiens dispersal or adaptive response? In: Lithic technological organization and paleoenvironmental change, pp. 37 - 61 (Eds. Robinson, E.; Sellet, F.). Springer International Publishing, Basel (2018)
Book Chapter
Out of Africa: The evolution and history of human populations in the southern dispersal zone. In: Rethinking human evolution, pp. 129 - 138 (Ed. Schwartz, J. H.). MIT Press, Cambridge (2018)
Book Chapter
Boivin, N. L.; Crassard, R.; Petraglia, M. D.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2017)
Hominins on the move: An assessment of anthropogenic shaping of environments in the Palaeolithic. In: Human dispersal and species movement: From prehistory to the present, pp. 90 - 118 (Eds. 210.
Book Chapter
Bone Technology from Late Pleistocene Caves and Rockshelters of Sri Lanka. In: Osseous Projectile Weaponry, pp. 173 - 188 (Ed. Langley, M. C.). Springer (2016)
Book Chapter
Prehistoric archaeological sites in Arabia and their potential for nomination to the World Heritage List. In: Human origin sites and the World Heritage Convention in Asia, pp. 34 - 39 (Ed. Sanz, N.) (2015)
Book Chapter
Assessing models for the dispersal of modern humans to South Asia. In: Southern Asia, Australia and the search for human origins, pp. 64 - 75 (Eds. Dennell, R.; Porr, M.). Cambridge Univ. Press, New York (2014)
Book Chapter
Stone technology in Arabia. In: Encyclopaedia of the history of science, technology, and medicine in non-western Cultures, pp. 1 - 5. Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht (2014)
Book Chapter
An Arabian perspective on the dispersal of Homo sapiens out of Africa. In: Southern Asia, Australia, and the search for human origins, pp. 51 - 63 (Eds. Dennell , R.; Porr, M.). Cambridge Univ. Press, New York (2014)
Book Chapter
Out of Africa and the evolution of human populations in Asia: Thoughts about the nomination of prehistoric sites to the World Heritage List. In: Human origin sites and the World Heritage Convention in Asia, pp. 53 - 66 (Ed. Sanz, N.). Unesco, Paris (2014)
Book Chapter
Homo sapiens societies: Southern Asia. In: The Oxford handbook of the archaeology and anthropology of hunter-gatherers, pp. 328 - 345 (Ed. Zvelebil, M.). Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford (2014)
Book Chapter
North America. In: World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: a characterization, pp. 409 - 454 (Eds. Hicks, D.; Stevenson, A.). Archaeopress, Oxford (2013)
Book Chapter
India and Sri Lanka. In: World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: a characterization, pp. 482 - 503 (Eds. Hicks, D.; Stevenson, A.). Archaeopress, Oxford (2013)
Book Chapter
Rock art research in India: Historical approaches and recent theoretical directions. In: A companion to rock art, pp. 179 - 196 (Ed. McDonald, J.). John Wiley & Sons, Chichester (2012)
Book Chapter
Hominin evolutionary history in the Arabian Desert and the Thar Desert. In: Changing deserts: integrating people and their environment, pp. 61 - 82 (Eds. Mol, L.; Sternberg, T.) (2012)