Publications of Michael Petraglia

Journal Article (197)

Journal Article
Finestone, E.; Breeze, P. S.; Breitenbach, S. F. M.; Drake, N.; Bergmann, L.; Maksudov, F.; Muhammadiyev, A.; Scott, P.; Cai, Y.; Khatsenovich, A. M. et al.; Rybin, E. P.; Nehrke, G.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M.: Paleolithic occupation of arid Central Asia in the Middle Pleistocene. PLoS One 17 (10), e0273984 (2022)
Journal Article
Rick, T.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Braje, T. J.; Crowther, A.; Erlandson, J. M.; Fuller, D. Q.; Gill, K. M.; Groucutt, H. S.; Guagnin, M.; Helm, R. et al.; Hofman, C. A.; Horton, M.; Kay, A.; Korisettar, R.; Radimilahy, C.; Reeder-Myers, L.; Shipton, C.; Wright, H. T.; Petraglia, M.; Boivin, N.: Coring, profiling, and trenching: archaeological field strategies for investigating the Pleistocene-Holocene-Anthropocene continuum. Quaternary International 628, 2022.02.011, pp. 1 - 17 (2022)
Journal Article
Goldstein, S. T.; Shipton, C.; Miller, J. M.; Ndiema, E.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M.: Hunter-gatherer technological organization and responses to Holocene climate change in coastal, lakeshore, and grassland ecologies of eastern Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 280, 107390, pp. 1 - 21 (2022)
Journal Article
Wang, F.-G.; Yang, S.; Ge, J.-Y.; Ollé, A.; Zhao, K.-L.; Yue, J.-P.; Rosso, D. E.; Douka, K.; Guan, Y.; Li, W.-Y. et al.; Yang, H.-Y.; Liu, L.-Q.; Xie, F.; Guo, Z.-T.; Zhu, R.-X.; Deng, C.-L.; d’Errico, F.; Petraglia, M.: Innovative ochre processing and tool use in China 40,000 years ago. Nature 603 (7900), s41586-022-04445-2, pp. 284 - 289 (2022)
Journal Article
Cueva-Temprana, A.; Lombao, D.; Soto, M.; Itambu, M.; Bushozi, P.; Boivin, N. L.; Petraglia, M. D.; Mercader, J.: Oldowan technology amid shifting environments ∼2.03–1.83 million years ago. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 788101 (2022)
Journal Article
Elliott, K. S.; Haber, M.; Daggag, H.; Busby, G. B.; Sarwar, R.; Kennet, D.; Petraglia, M.; Petherbridge, L. J.; Yavari, P.; Heard-Bey, F. U. et al.; Shobi, B.; Ghulam, T.; Haj, D.; Al Tikriti, A.; Mohammad, A.; Antony, S.; Alyileili, M.; Alaydaroos, S.; Lau, E.; Butler, M.; Yavari, A.; Knight, J. C.; Ashrafian, H.; Barakat, M. T.: Fine-scale genetic structure in the United Arab Emirates reflects endogamous and consanguineous culture, population history, and geography. Molecular Biology and Evolution 39 (3), msac039, pp. 1 - 11 (2022)
Journal Article
Patalano, R.; Hamilton, R. J.; Finestone, E.; Amano, N.; Heddell Stevens, P.; Itambu, M.; Petraglia, M. D.; Roberts, P.: Microhabitat variability in Human Evolution. Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 1208 (2021)
Journal Article
Patalano, R.; Roberts, P.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M. D.; Mercader, J.: Plant wax biomarkers in human evolutionary studies. Evolutionary Anthropology 30 (6), 21921, pp. 385 - 398 (2021)
Journal Article
Peters, C.; Richter, K. K.; Manne, T.; Dortch, J.; Paterson, A.; Travouillon, K.; Louys, J.; Price, G. J.; Petraglia, M.; Crowther, A. et al.; Boivin, N.: Species identification of Australian marsupials using collagen fingerprinting. Royal Society Open Science 8 (10), 211229 (2021)
Journal Article
Groucutt, H. S.; White, T. S.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Andrieux, E.; Clark-Wilson, R.; Breeze, P. S.; Armitage, S. J.; Stewart, M.; Drake, N.; Louys, J. et al.; Price, G. J.; Duval, M.; Parton, A.; Candy, I.; Carleton, W. C.; Shipton, C.; Jennings, R. P.; Zahir, M.; Blinkhorn, J.; Blockley, S.; Al-Omari, A.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Petraglia, M. D.: Multiple hominin dispersals into Southwest Asia over the past 400,000 years. Nature 597 (7876), s41586-021-03863-y, pp. 376 - 380 (2021)
Journal Article
Faulkner, P.; Miller, J. M.; Morales Quintana, E. M.; Crowther, A.; Shipton, C.; Ndiema, E.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M. D.: 67,000 years of coastal engagement at Panga ya Saidi, eastern Africa. PLoS One 16 (8), e0256761 (2021)
Journal Article
Stewart, M.; Andrieux, E.; Clark-Wilson, R.; Vanwezer, N.; Blinkhorn, J.; Armitage, S. J.; al Omari, A.; Zahrani, B.; Alqahtani, M.; Al-Shanti, M. et al.; Zalmout, I.; Al-Mufarreh, Y. S. A.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M. D.; Groucutt, H. S.: Taphonomy of an excavated striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) den in Arabia: implications for paleoecology and prehistory. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13 (8), 139, pp. 1 - 25 (2021)
Journal Article
Taylor, W.; Hart, I.; Pan, C.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Murdoch, J.; Caspari, G.; Klinge, M.; Pearson, K.; Bikhumar, U.; Shnaider, S. et al.; Abdykanova, A.; Bittner, P.; Zahir, M.; Jarman, N.; Williams, M.; Pettigrew, D.; Petraglia, M.; Lee, C.; Dixon, E. J.; Boivin, N.: High altitude hunting, climate change, and pastoral resilience in eastern Eurasia. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 14287 (2021)
Journal Article
Vanwezer, N.; Breitenbach, S. F.M.; Gázquez, F.; Louys, J.; Kononov, A.; Sokol'nikov, D.; Erdenedalai, A.; Burguet-Coca, A.; Picin, A.; Cueva-Temprana, A. et al.; Sánchez-Martínez, J.; Taylor, W.; Boivin, N.; Jamsranjav, B.; Petraglia, M. D.: Archaeological and environmental cave records in the Gobi-Altai Mountains, Mongolia. Quaternary International 586, 010, pp. 66 - 89 (2021)
Journal Article
Blinkhorn, J.; Groucutt, H. S.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Petraglia, M. D.; Blockley, S.: Directional changes in Levallois core technologies between Eastern Africa, Arabia, and the Levant during MIS 5. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 11465 (2021)
Journal Article
Culley, C.; Janzen, A.; Brown, S.; Prendergast, M. E.; Shipton, C.; Ndiema, E.; Petraglia, M. D.; Boivin, N.; Crowther, A.: Iron Age hunting and herding in coastal eastern Africa: ZooMS identification of domesticates and wild bovids at Panga ya Saidi, Kenya. Journal of Archaeological Science 130, 105368, pp. 1 - 13 (2021)
Journal Article
Guagnin, M.; Shipton, C.; Martin, L.; Kingwell-Banham, E.; Breeze, P.; Graham, L.; Ott, F.; Stewart, M.; El-Dossary, S.; Zahrani, B. et al.; Al-Omari, A.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Petraglia, M.: A tale of two hearth sites: Neolithic and intermittent mid to late Holocene occupations in the Jubbah oasis, northern Saudi Arabia. Archaeological Research in Asia 26, 100278, pp. 1 - 20 (2021)
Journal Article
Shoaee, M. J.; Vahdati Nasab, H.; Petraglia, M. D.: The Paleolithic of the Iranian Plateau: hominin occupation history and implications for human dispersals across southern Asia. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 62, 101292, pp. 1 - 30 (2021)
Journal Article
Vanwezer, N.; Taylor, W. T. T.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Breitenbach, S. F.M.; Amano, N.; Louys, J.; del Val, M.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M.: Hunting, herding, and people in the rock art of Mongolia: new discoveries in the Gobi-Altai Mountains. Archaeological Research in Asia 26, 100267, pp. 1 - 15 (2021)
Journal Article
Scerri, E. M. L.; Frouin, M.; Breeze, P. S.; Armitage, S. J.; Candy, I.; Groucutt, H. S.; Drake, N.; Parton, A.; White, T. S.; Alsharekh, A. M. et al.; Petraglia, M. D.: The expansion of Acheulean hominins into the Nefud Desert of Arabia. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 10111 (2021)
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