Publications of Iván Ramírez-Pedraza

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
González-Guarda, E.; Segovia, R. A.; Valenzuela, M.; Asevedo, L.; Villavicencio, N.; Tornero, C.; Ramírez-Pedraza, I.; Ortega, S.; Capriles, J.; Labarca, R. et al.; Latorre, C.: The extinct Notiomastodon platensis (proboscidea, Gomphoteriidae) inhabited mediterranean ecosystems during the Late Pleistocene in north-central Chile (31°S–36°S). Quaternary Science Reviews 344, 108957, pp. 1 - 14 (2024)
Journal Article
Ramírez-Pedraza, I.; Tornero, C.; Aouraghe, H.; Rivals, F.; Patalano, R.; Haddoumi, H.; Expósito, I.; Rodríguez-Hidalgo, A.; Mischke, S.; van der Made, J. et al.; Piñero, P.; Blain, H.-A.; Roberts, P.; Jha, D.; Agustí, J.; Sánchez-Bandera, C.; Lemjidi, A.; Benito-Calvo, A.; Moreno-Ribas, E.; Oujaa, A.; Mhamdi, H.; Souhir, M.; Aissa, A. M.; Chacón, M. G.; Sala-Ramos, R.: Arid, mosaic environments during the Plio-Pleistocene transition and early hominin dispersals in northern Africa. Nature Communications 15 (1), 8393 (2024)
Journal Article
Ramirez Pedraza, I.; Rivals, F.; Tornero, C.; Geraads, D.; Raynal, J. P.; Lefèvre, D.; Mohib, A.: Palaeoecological reconstruction of Plio-Pleistocene herbivores from the Ahl al Oughlam site (Casablanca, Morocco): insights from dental wear and stable isotopes. Quaternary Science Reviews 319, 108341, pp. 1 - 15 (2023)
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