Human Palaeosystems Group (HPG)

Publications of Jillian Swift

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Culley, C.; Janzen, A.; Brown, S.; Prendergast, M. E.; Wolfhagen, J.; Abderemane, B.; Ali, A. K.; Haji, O.; Horton, M. C.; Shipton, C. et al.; Swift, J.; Tabibou, T. A.; Wright, H. T.; Boivin, N.; Crowther, A.: Collagen fingerprinting traces the introduction of caprines to island Eastern Africa. Royal Society Open Science 8 (7), 202341, pp. 1 - 18 (2021)
Journal Article
Swift, J. A.; Bunce, M.; Dortch, J.; Douglass, K.; Faith, J. T.; Fellows Yates, J. A.; Field, J.; Haberle, S. G.; Jacob, E.; Johnson, C. N. et al.; Lindsey, E.; Lorenzen, E. D.; Louys, J.; Miller, G.; Mychajliw, A. M.; Slon, V.; Villavicencio, N. A.; Waters, M. R.; Welker, F.; Wood, R.; Petraglia, M. D.; Boivin, N. L.; Roberts, P.: Micro methods for megafauna: novel approaches to late quaternary extinctions and their contributions to faunal conservation in the anthropocene. Bioscience 69 (11), biz105, pp. 877 - 887 (2019)
Journal Article
Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Fernandes, R.; Janzen, A.; Nayak, A.; Swift, J. A.; Zech, J.; Boivin, N. L.; Roberts, P.: Sampling and pretreatment of tooth enamel carbonate for stable carbon and oxygen isotope analysis. Journal of Visualized Experiments (138), e58002 (2018)
Journal Article
Swift, J. A.; Roberts, P.; Boivin, N. L.; Kirch, P. V.: Restructuring of nutrient flows in island ecosystems following human colonization evidenced by isotopic analysis of commensal rats. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (25), pp. 6392 - 6397 (2018)
Journal Article
Roberts, P.; Fernandes, R.; Craig, O. E.; Larsen, T.; Lucquin, A.; Swift, J. A.; Zech, J.: Calling all archaeologists: guidelines for terminology, methodology, data handling, and reporting when undertaking and reviewing stable isotope applications in archaeology. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 32 (5), pp. 361 - 372 (2018)
Journal Article
Kirch, P. V.; Swift, J. A.: New AMS radiocarbon dates and a re-evaluation of the cultural sequence of Tikopia Island, Southeast Solomon Islands. The Journal of the Polynesian Society 126 (3), pp. 313 - 336 (2017)
Journal Article
Swift, J. A.; Molle, G.; Conte, E.: Coastal subsistence and settlement at the Hane dune site, Ua Huka (Marquesas Islands): New insights from Pacific rat (Rattus exulans) stable isotope analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science 15, pp. 161 - 168 (2017)
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