Human Palaeosystems Group (HPG)

Publications of Stuart Bedford

Journal Article (14)

Journal Article
Roberts, P.; Douka, K.; Tromp, M.; Bedford, S.; Hawkins, S.; Bouffandeau, L.; Ilgner, J.; Lucas, M.; Marzo, S.; Hamilton, R. J. et al.; Ambrose, W.; Bulbeck, D.; Luu, S.; Shing, R.; Gosden, C.; Summerhayes, G.; Spriggs, M.: Fossils, fish and tropical forests: prehistoric human adaptations on the island frontiers of Oceania. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 377 (1849), 20200495, pp. 1 - 13 (2022)
Journal Article
Shaw, I.; Jones, M. J.; Flexner, J. L.; Bedford, S.: Prefabrication, patrilineality, and intergenerational reuse: The ruined third church of Aniwa, Southern Vanuatu, and its integration into domestic architecture. International journal of historical archaeology, s10761-021-00615-6 (2021)
Journal Article
Jones, M.; Zubrzycka, A.; Bedford, S.; Spriggs, M.; Shing, R.: ‘Death and his body-servant’: health, architecture and missionary endeavour at the Anelcauhat Mission House, Vanuatu. Journal of Pacific Archaeology 11 (2), pp. 34 - 46 (2021)
Journal Article
Lipson, M.; Spriggs, M.; Valentin, F.; Bedford, S.; Shing, R.; Zinger, W.; Buckley, H.; Petchey, F.; Matanik, R.; Cheronet, O. et al.; Rohland, N.; Pinhasi, R.; Reich, D.: Three phases of ancient migration shaped the ancestry of human populations in Vanuatu. Current Biology 30 (24), 035, pp. 4846 - 4856.e6 (2020)
Journal Article
Flexner, J. L.; Muir, B.; Bedford, S.; Valentin, F.; Elena, D.; Samoria, D.: Transforming mortuary rituals in “Christian” oceania: post-mission cemeteries from Aniwa, Vanuatu. Journal of the Polynesian Society 129 (3), pp. 303 - 326 (2020)
Journal Article
Tromp, M.; Matisoo-Smith, E.; Kinaston, R.; Bedford, S.; Spriggs, M.; Buckley, H.: Exploitation and utilization of tropical rainforests indicated in dental calculus of ancient Oceanic Lapita culture colonists. Nature Human Behaviour 4, s41562-019-0808-y, pp. 489 - 495 (2020)
Journal Article
Langley, M. C.; Bedford, S.; Spriggs, M.; Phillip, I.: Manufacture and use of Lapita Conus multi-segment broad rings: evidence from the Teouma site, Central Vanuatu. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 15 (3), 1570989, pp. 364 - 383 (2020)
Journal Article
Flexner, J. L.; Bedford, S.; Valentin, F.: Who was Polynesian? Who was Melanesian? Hybridity and ethnogenesis in the South Vanuatu Outliers. Journal of Social Archaeology 19 (3), pp. 403 - 426 (2019)
Journal Article
Leclerc, M.; Grono, E.; Bedford, S.; Spriggs, M.: Assessment of the technological variability in decorated Lapita pottery from Teouma, Vanuatu, by petrography and LA-ICP-MS: implications for Lapita social organisation. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11 (10), pp. 5257 - 5273 (2019)
Journal Article
Bouffandeau, L.; Béarez, P.; Keith, P.; Bedford, S.; Spriggs, M.: Freshwater fishing among Lapita people: the Sleepers (Teleostei: Eleotridae) of Teouma, Vanuatu. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 26, 101894, pp. 1 - 9 (2019)
Journal Article
Posth, C.; Nägele, K.; Colleran, H.; Valentin, F.; Bedford, S.; Gray, R. D.; Krause, J.; Powell, A.: Response to “Ancient DNA and its contribution to understanding the human history of the Pacific Islands” (Bedford et al. 2018). Archaeology in Oceania 54, pp. 57 - 61 (2019)
Journal Article
Spriggs, M.; Valentin, F.; Bedford, S.; Pinhasi, R.; Skoglund, P.; Reich, D.; Lipson, M.: Revisiting ancient DNA insights into the human history of the Pacific Islands. Archaeology in Oceania 54, pp. 53 - 56 (2019)
Journal Article
Flexner, J. L.; Bedford, S.; Valentin, F.; Shing, R.; Kuautonga, T.; Zinger, W.: Preliminary results of the South Vanuatu archaeological survey: Cultural landscapes, excavation, and radiocarbon dating. Asian Perspectives 57 (2), pp. 244 - 266 (2018)
Journal Article
Posth, C.; Nägele, K.; Colleran, H.; Valentin, F.; Bedford, S.; Kami, K. W.; Shing, R.; Buckley, H.; Kinaston, R.; Walworth, M. et al.; Clark, G. R.; Reepmeyer, C.; Flexner, J.; Maric, T.; Moser, J.; Gresky, J.; Kiko, L.; Robson, K. J.; Auckland, K.; Oppenheimer, S. J.; Hill, A. V. S.; Mentzer, A. J.; Zech, J.; Petchey, F.; Roberts, P.; Jeong, C.; Gray, R. D.; Krause, J.; Powell, A.: Language continuity despite population replacement in Remote Oceania. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (4), pp. 731 - 740 (2018)

Book (1)

Bedford, S.; Spriggs, M. (Eds.): Debating Lapita: distribution, chronology, society and subsistence. ANU Press, Aceton (2019), xix, 507 pp.

Book Chapter (6)

Book Chapter
Bedford, S.: Archives, oral traditions and archaeology: Dissonant narratives concerning punitive expeditions on Malakula Island, Vanuatu. In: Archaeological Perspectives on Conflict and Warfare in Australia and the Pacific, 11, pp. 211 - 226 (Eds. Clark, G.; Litster, M.). ANU Press, Canberra (2022)
Book Chapter
Zinger, W.; Valentin, F.; Flexner, J.; Bedford, S.; Détroit, F.; Grimaud-Hervé, D.: How to explain Polynesian outliers’ heterogeneity? In: Networks and Monumentality in the Pacific, pp. 62 - 77 (Eds. Hermann, A.; Valentin, F.; Sand, C.; Nolet, E.). Archaeopress, Oxford (2020)
Book Chapter
Bedford, S.: Lapita pottery from the small islands of north-east Malakula, Vanuatu: a brief overview and implications. In: Debating Lapita: distribution, chronology, society and subsistence, 11, pp. 225 - 240 (Eds. Bedford, S.; Spriggs, M.). ANU Press, Acton (2019)
Book Chapter
Bedford, S.; Spriggs, M.; Burley, D. V.; Sand, C.; Sheppard, P.; Summerhayes, G. R.: Debating Lapita: distribution, chronology, society and subsistence. In: Debating Lapita: distribution, chronology, society and subsistence, 1, pp. 5 - 37 (Eds. Bedford, S.; Spriggs, M.). ANU Press, Acton (2019)
Book Chapter
LeBlanc, K.; Bedford, S.; Sand, C.: A view from the west: a structural approach to analysing Lapita design in the Eastern Lapita Province. In: Debating Lapita: distribution, chronology, society and subsistence, 14, pp. 225 - 240 (Eds. Bedford, S.; Spriggs, M.). ANU Press, Acton (2019)
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