Human Palaeosystems Group (HPG)

Publications of Ulrike Thüring

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Taylor, W. T. T.; Clark, J.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Tuvshinjargal, T.; Jobe, J. T.; Fitzhugh, W.; Kortum, R.; Spengler, R. N.; Shnaider, S.; Seersholm, F. V. et al.; Hart, I.; Case, N.; Wilkin, S.; Hendy, J.; Thüring, U.; Miller, B.; Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Picin, A.; Vanwezer, N.; Irmer, F.; Brown, S.; Abdykanova, A.; Shultz, D. R.; Pham, V.; Bunce, M.; Douka, K.; Jones, E. L.; Boivin, N.: Early pastoral economies and herding transitions in Eastern Eurasia. Scientific Reports 10, 1001 (2020)
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