Publikationen von Alexander Herbig

Forschungspapier (3)

Velsko, I. M.; Frantz, L. A. F.; Herbig, A.; Larson, G.; Warinner, C. G.: Selection of appropriate metagenome taxonomic classifiers for ancient microbiome research. bioRxiv, 260042 (2018), 41 S.
Herbig, A.; Maixner, F.; Bos, K. I.; Zink, A.; Krause, J.; Huson, D. H.: MALT: Fast alignment and analysis of metagenomic DNA sequence data applied to the Tyrolean Iceman. bioRxiv, 050559 (2017), 16 S.
Bauer, J. S.; Fillinger, S.; Förstner, K.; Herbig, A.; Jones, A. C.; Flinspach, K.; Sharma, C.; Gross, H.; Nieselt, K.; Apel, A. K.: dRNA-seq transcriptional profiling of the FK506 biosynthetic gene cluster in Streptomyces tsukubaensis NRRL18488 and general analysis of the transcriptome. RNA Biology 14 (11) S. 1617 - 1626 (2017), 11 S.

Preprint (1)

Guellil, M.; van Dorp, L.; Inskip, S. A.; Dittmar, J. M.; Saag, L.; Tambets, K.; Hui, R.; Rose, A.; D’Atanasio, E.; Kriiska, A. et al.; Varul, L.; Koekkelkoren, A.M.H.C.; Goldina, R. D.; Cessford, C.; Solnik, A.; Metspalu, M.; Krause, J.; Herbig, A.; Robb, J. E.; Houldcroft, C. J.; Scheib, C. L.: Ancient herpes simplex 1 genomes reveal recent viral structure in Eurasia. Science Advances 8 (30), 443 (2022)
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