Publikationen von Johannes Krause

Zeitschriftenartikel (190)

Bos, K. I.; Schuenemann, V. J.; Golding, G. B.; Burbano, H. A.; Waglechner, N.; Coombes, B. K.; McPhee, J. B.; DeWitte, S. N.; Meyer, M.; Schmedes, S. et al.; Wood, J.; Earn, D. J. D.; Herring, D. A.; Bauer, P.; Poinar, H. N.; Krause, J.: A draft genome of Yersinia pestis from victims of the Black Death. Nature 478 (7370), S. 506 - 510 (2011)
Jordan, S.; Krause, J.; Prager, A.; Mitrovic, M.; Jonjic, S.; Koszinowski, U. H.; Adler, B.: Virus progeny of murine Cytomegalovirus bacterial artificial chromosome pSM3fr show reduced growth in salivary glands due to a fixed mutation of MCK-2. Journal of Virology 85 (19), S. 10346 - 10353 (2011)
Stoneking, M.; Krause, J.: Learning about human population history from ancient and modern genomes. Nature Reviews Genetics 12 (9), 3029, S. 603 - 614 (2011)
Schuenemann, V. J.; Bos, K. I.; DeWitte, S.; Schmedes, S.; Jamieson, J.; Mittnik, A.; Forrest, S.; Coombes, B. K.; Wood, J. W.; Earn, D. J. D. et al.; White, W.; Krause, J.; Poinar, H. N.: Targeted enrichment of ancient pathogens yielding the pPCP1 plasmid of Yersinia pestis from victims of the Black Death. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108 (38), 1105107108, S. E746 - E752 (2011)
Reich, D.; Green, R. E.; Kircher, M.; Krause, J.; Patterson, N.; Durand, E. Y.; Viola, B.; Briggs, A. W.; Stenzel, U.; Johnson, P. L. F. et al.; Maricic, T.; Good, J. M.; Marques-Bonet, T.; Alkan, C.; Fu, Q.; Mallick, S.; Li, H.; Meyer, M.; Eichler, E. E.; Stoneking, M.; Richards, M.; Talamo, S.; Shunkov, M. V.; Derevianko, A. P.; Hublin, J.-J.; Kelso, J.; Slatkin, M.; Pääbo, S.: Genetic history of an archaic hominin group from Denisova cave in Siberia. Nature 468 (7327), S. 1053 - 1060 (2010)
Krause, J.; Fu, Q.; Good, J. M.; Viola, B.; Shunkov, M. V.; Derevianko, A. P.; Pääbo, S.: The complete mitochondrial DNA genome of an unknown hominin from Southern Siberia. Nature 464 (7290), S. 894 - 897 (2010)
Briggs, A. W.; Stenzel, U.; Meyer, M.; Krause, J.; Kircher, M.; Pääbo, S.: Removal of deaminated cytosines and detection of in vivo methylation in ancient DNA. Nucleic Acids Research 38 (6), e87 (2010)
Burbano, H. A.; Hodges, E.; Green, R. E.; Briggs, A. W.; Krause, J.; Meyer, M.; Good, J. M.; Maricic, T.; Johnson, P. L. F.; Xuan, Z. et al.; Rooks, M.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Brizuela, L.; Albert, F. W.; Rasilla, M. d. l.; Fortea, J.; Rosas, A.; Lachmann, M.; Hannon, G. J.; Pääbo, S.: Targeted investigation of the Neandertal genome by array-based sequence capture. Science 328 (5979), S. 723 - 725 (2010)
Green, R. E.; Krause, J.; Briggs, A. W.; Maricic, T.; Stenzel, U.; Kircher, M.; Patterson, N.; Li, H.; Zhai, W.; Fritz, M. H.-Y. et al.; Hansen, N. F.; Durand, E. Y.; Malaspinas, A.-S.; Jensen, J. D.; Marques-Bonet, T.; Alkan, C.; Prüfer, K.; Meyer, M.; Burbano, H. A.; Good, J. M.; Schultz, R.; Aximu-Petri, A.; Butthoff, A.; Höber, B.; Höffner, B.; Siegemund, M.; Weihmann, A.; Nusbaum, C.; Lander, E. S.; Russ, C.; Novod, N.; Affourtit, J.; Egholm, M.; Verna, C.; Rudan, P.; Brajkovic, D.; Kucan, Z.; Gusic, I.; Doronichev, V. B.; Golovanova, L. V.; Lalueza-Fox, C.; Rasilla, M. d. l.; Fortea, J.; Rosas, A.; Schmitz, R. W.; Johnson, P. L. F.; Eichler, E. E.; Falush, D.; Birney, E.; Mullikin, J. C.; Slatkin, M.; Nielsen, R.; Kelso, J.; Reich, D.; Lachmann, M.; Päabo, S.: A draft sequence of the Neandertal genome. Science 328 (5979), 1188021, S. 710 - 722 (2010)
Krause, J.: From genes to genomes: what is new in ancient DNA? Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 19, S. 11 - 34 (2010)
Krause, J.; Briggs, A. W.; Kircher, M.; Maricic, T.; Zwyns, N.; Derevianko, A. P.; Pääbo, S.: A complete mtDNA genome of an early modern human from Kostenki, Russia. Current Biology 20 (3), S. 231 - 236 (2010)
Briggs, A. W.; Good, J. M.; Green, R. E.; Krause, J.; Maricic, T.; Stenzel, U.; Paabo, S.: Primer extension capture: targeted sequence retrieval from heavily degraded DNA sources (Videodocumentation). Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE (31), S. 1573 - 1573 (2009)
Green, R. E.; Briggs, A. W.; Krause, J.; Pruefer, K.; Burbano, H. A.; Siebauer, M.; Lachmann, M.; Paeaebo, S.: The Neandertal genome and ancient DNA authenticity. EMBO Journal 28 (17), S. 2494 - 2502 (2009)
Briggs, A. W.; Good, J. M.; Green, R. E.; Krause, J.; Maricic, T.; Stenzel, U.; Lalueza-Fox, C.; Rudan, P.; Brajkovic, D.; Kucan, Z. et al.; Gusic, I.; Schmitz, R.; Doronichev, V. B.; Golovanova, L. V.; de la Rasilla, M.; Fortea, J.; Rosas, A.; Paeaebo, S.: Targeted retrieval and analysis of five Neandertal mtDNA genomes. Science 325 (5938), S. 318 - 321 (2009)
Ptak, S. E.; Enard, W.; Wiebe, V.; Hellmann, I.; Krause, J.; Lachmann, M.; Pääbo, S.: Linkage disequilibrium extends across putative selected sites in FOXP2. Molecular Biology and Evolution 26 (10), S. 2181 - 2184 (2009)
Lalueza-Fox, C.; Gigli, E.; de la Rasilla, M.; Fortea, J.; Rosas, A.; Bertranpetit, J.; Krause, J.: Genetic characterization of the ABO blood group in Neandertals. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8, 342 (2008)
Green, R. E.; Malaspinas, A.-S.; Krause, J.; Briggs, A. W.; Johnson, P. L. F.; Uhler, C.; Meyer, M.; Good, J. M.; Maricic, T.; Stenzel, U. et al.; Pruefer, K.; Siebauer, M.; Burbano, H. A.; Ronan, M.; Rothberg, J. M.; Egholm, M.; Rudan, P.; Brajkovic, D.; Kucan, Z.; Gusic, I.; Wikstrom, M.; Laakkonen, L.; Kelso, J.; Slatkin, M.; Paeaebo, S.: A complete Neandertal mitochondrial genome sequence determined by high-throughput sequencing. Cell 134 (3), S. 416 - 426 (2008)
Krause, J.; Unger, T.; Nocon, A.; Malaspinas, A.-S.; Kolokotronis, S.-O.; Stiller, M.; Soibelzon, L.; Spriggs, H.; Dear, P. H.; Briggs, A. W. et al.; Bray, S. C. E.; O'Brien, S. J.; Rabeder, G.; Matheus, P.; Cooper, A.; Slatkin, M.; Paeaebo, S.; Hofreiter, M.: Mitochondrial genomes reveal an explosive radiation of extinct and extant bears near the Miocene-Pliocene boundary. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8, 220 (2008)
Meyer, M.; Briggs, A. W.; Maricic, T.; Hoeber, B.; Hoeffner, B. H.; Krause, J.; Weihmann, A.; Paeaebo, S.; Hofreiter, M.: From micrograms to picograms: quantitative PCR reduces the material demands of high-throughput sequencing. Nucleic Acids Research (London) 36 (1), e5 (2008)
Krause, J.; Lalueza-Fox, C.; Orlando, L.; Enard, W.; Green, R. E.; Burbano, H. A.; Hublin, J.-J.; Hanni, C.; Fortea, J.; de la Rasilla, M. et al.; Bertranpetit, J.; Rosas, A.; Paabo, S.: The derived FOXP2 variant of modern humans was shared with Neandertals. Current Biology 17 (21), S. 1908 - 1912 (2007)
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