Publikationen von Steven T. Goldstein
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Zeitschriftenartikel (22)
18 (11), e0290423 (2023)
Eurasian back-migration into Northeast Africa was a complex and multifaceted process. PLoS One 2.
32 (12), 09596836221121766, S. 1373 - 1392 (2022)
Buffering new risks?: environmental, social and economic changes in the Turkana Basin during and after the African Humid Period. The Holocene 3.
20 (1), bja10012, S. 21 - 39 (2022)
Excavations at the Iron Age village site of Fibobe II, Central Zambia. Journal of African archaeology 4.
280, 107390, S. 1 - 21 (2022)
Hunter-gatherer technological organization and responses to Holocene climate change in coastal, lakeshore, and grassland ecologies of eastern Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 5.
204, 105376, S. 1 - 14 (2021)
The influence of ancient herders on soil development at Luxmanda, Mbulu Plateau, Tanzania. Catena 6.
38, s10437-021-09440-y, S. 625 - 655 (2021)
Revisiting Kalundu Mound, Zambia: implications for the timing of social and subsistence transitions in Iron Age Southern Africa. African Archaeological Review 7.
31, s00334-021-00853-y, S. 279 - 290 (2021)
Variability and preservation biases in the archaeobotanical record of Eleusine coracana (finger millet): evidence from Iron Age Kenya. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 8.
16 (5), e0251061 (2021)
Distinguishing African bovids using Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS): new peptide markers and insights into Iron Age economies in Zambia. PLoS One 9.
61, 101259, S. 1 - 19 (2021)
Lithic technological organization of the “Elmenteitan” early herders in southern Kenya: implications for mobility, exchange, and climatic resilience. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 10.
12, 632 (2021)
Ancient proteins provide evidence of dairy consumption in eastern Africa. Nature Communications 11.
Field-based sciences must transform in response to COVID-19. Nature Ecology & Evolution, s41559-020-01317-8 (2020)
6 (24), eaaz0183 (2020)
Ancient genomes reveal complex patterns of population movement, interaction, and replacement in sub-Saharan Africa. Science Advances 13.
141, 102737, S. 1 - 25 (2020)
Trajectories of cultural innovation from the Middle to Later Stone Age in Eastern Africa: personal ornaments, bone artifacts, and ocher from Panga ya Saidi, Kenya. Journal of Human Evolution 14.
36, s10437-019-09347-9, S. 419 - 438 (2019)
Usable pasts forum: critically engaging food security. African Archaeological Review 15.
365 (6456), S. 897 - 902 (2019)
Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use. Science 16.
26 (2), S. 679 - 713 (2019)
Knowledge transmission through the lens of Lithic Production: a case Study from the Pastoral Neolithic of southern Kenya. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 17.
54 (1), S. 4 - 32 (2019)
The lithic assemblage from Sugenya, a Pastoral Neolithic site of the Elmenteitan tradition in southwestern Kenya. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 18.
561 (7723), s41586-018-0456-9, S. 387 - 390 (2018)
Ancient herders enriched and restructured African grasslands. Nature 19.
51, S. 187 - 205 (2018)
Cemeteries on a moving frontier: Mortuary practices and the spread of pastoralism from the Sahara into eastern Africa. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 20.
43 (2), S. 85 - 101 (2018)
Picking up the pieces: Reconstructing Lithic production strategies at a Late Holocene obsidian quarry in Southern Kenya. Journal of Field Archaeology