Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Institut für Geoanthropologie

Zeitschriftenartikel (14)

Sun, S.; Pattyn, F.; Simon, E. G.; Albrecht, T.; Cornford, S.; Calov, R.; Dumas, C.; Gillet-Chaulet, F.; Goelzer, H.; Golledge, N. R. et al.; Greve, R.; Hoffman, M. J.; Humbert, A.; Kazmierczak, E.; Kleiner, T.; Leguy, G. R.; Lipscomb, W. H.; Martin, D.; Morlighem, M.; Nowicki, S.; Pollard, D.; Price, S.; Quiquet, A.; Seroussi, H.; Schlemm, T.; Sutter, J.; van de Wal, R. S. W.; Winkelmann, R.; Zhang, T.: Antarctic ice sheet response to sudden and sustained ice-shelf collapse (ABUMIP). Journal of Glaciology 66 (260), 67 , S. 891 - 904 (2020)
Wunderling, N.; Gelbrecht, M.; Winkelmann, R.; Kurths, J.; Donges, J. F.: Basin stability and limit cycles in a conceptual model for climate tipping cascades. New Journal of Physics 22 (12), 123031 (2020)
Wunderling, N.; Willeit, M.; Donges, J. F.; Winkelmann, R.: Global warming due to loss of large ice masses and Arctic summer sea ice. Nature Communications 11 (1), 5177 (2020)
Garbe, J.; Albrecht, T.; Levermann, A.; Donges, J. F.; Winkelmann, R.: The hysteresis of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Nature 585 (7826), s41586-020-2727-5, S. 538 - 544 (2020)
Ciemer, C.; Rehm, L.; Kurths, J.; Donner, R. V.; Winkelmann, R.; Boers, N.: An early-warning indicator for Amazon droughts exclusively based on tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures. Environmental Research Letters 15 (9), 094087, S. 1 - 10 (2020)
Seroussi, H.; Nowicki, S.; Payne, A. J.; Goelzer, H.; Lipscomb, W. H.; Abe-Ouchi, A.; Agosta, C.; Albrecht, T.; Asay-Davis, X.; Barthel, A. et al.; Calov, R.; Cullather, R.; Dumas, C.; Galton-Fenzi, B. K.; Gladstone, R.; Golledge, N. R.; Gregory, J. M.; Greve, R.; Hattermann, T.; Hoffman, M. J.; Humbert, A.; Huybrechts, P.; Jourdain, N. C.; Kleiner, T.; Larour, E.; Leguy, G. R.; Lowry, D. P.; Little, C. M.; Morlighem, M.; Pattyn, F.; Pelle, T.; Price, S. F.; Quiquet, A.; Reese, R.; Schlegel, N.-J.; Shepherd, A.; Simon, E.; Smith, R. S.; Straneo, F.; Sun, S.; Trusel, L. D.; Breedam, J. V.; van de Wal, R. S. W.; Winkelmann, R.; Zhao, C.; Zhang, T.; Zwinger, T.: ISMIP6 Antarctica: a multi-model ensemble of the Antarctic ice sheet evolution over the 21st century. The Cryosphere 14 (9), 3033, S. 3033 - 3070 (2020)
Klose, A. K.; Karle, V.; Winkelmann, R.; Donges, J. F.: Emergence of cascading dynamics in interacting tipping elements of ecology and climate. Royal Society Open Science 7 (6), 200599 (2020)
Krönke, J.; Wunderling, N.; Winkelmann, R.; Staal, A.; Stumpf, B.; Tuinenburg, O. A.; Donges, J. F.: Dynamics of tipping cascades on complex networks. Physical Review E 101 (4), 042311, S. 1 - 9 (2020)
Wunderling, N.; Stumpf, B.; Krönke, J.; Staal, A.; Tuinenburg, O. A.; Winkelmann, R.; Donges, J. F.: How motifs condition critical thresholds for tipping cascades in complex networks: linking micro- to macro-scales. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30 (4), 043129, S. 1 - 12 (2020)
Albrecht, T.; Winkelmann, R.; Levermann, A.: Glacial-cycle simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet with the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM): parameter ensemble analysis (Part 2). The Cryosphere 14 (2), 633, S. 633 - 656 (2020)
Albrecht, T.; Winkelmann, R.; Levermann, A.: Glacial-cycle simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet with the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM): boundary conditions and climatic forcing (Part 1). The Cryosphere 14 (2), 599, S. 599 - 632 (2020)
Levermann, A.; Winkelmann, R.; Albrecht, T.; Goelzer, H.; Golledge, N. R.; Greve, R.; Huybrechts, P.; Jordan, J.; Leguy, G.; Martin, D. et al.; Morlighem, M.; Pattyn, F.; Pollard, D.; Quiquet, A.; Rodehacke, C.; Seroussi, H.; Sutter, J.; Zhang, T.; Breedam, J. V.; Calov, R.; DeConto, R.; Dumas, C.; Garbe, J.; Gudmundsson, G. H.; Hoffman, M. J.; Humbert, A.; Kleiner, T.; Lipscomb, W. H.; Meinshausen, M.; Ng, E.; Nowicki, S. M. J.; Perego, M.; Price, S. F.; Saito, F.; Schlegel, N.-J.; Sun, S.; van de Wal, R. S. W.: Projecting Antarctica's contribution to future sea level rise from basal ice shelf melt using linear response functions of 16 ice sheet models (LARMIP-2). Earth System Dynamics 11 (1), 35, S. 35 - 76 (2020)
Reese, R.; Levermann, A.; Albrecht, T.; Seroussi, H.; Winkelmann, R.: The role of history and strength of the oceanic forcing in sea level projections from Antarctica with the Parallel Ice Sheet Model. The Cryosphere 14 (9), 3097, S. 3097 - 3110 (2020)
Zeitz, M.; Levermann, A.; Winkelmann, R.: Sensitivity of ice loss to uncertainty in flow law parameters in an idealized one-dimensional geometry. The Cryosphere 14 (10), 3537, S. 3537 - 3550 (2020)
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