Veröffentlichungen der PS&H-Gruppe

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Izdebski, A.; Słoczyński, T.; Bonnier, A.; Koloch, G.; Kouli, K.: Landscape change and trade in Ancient Greece: evidence from Pollen data. The Economic Journal 130 (632), ueaa026, S. 2596 - 2618 (2020)
Haldon, J.; Eisenberg, M.; Mordechai, L.; Izdebski, A.; White , S.: Lessons from the past, policies for the future: resilience and sustainability in past crises. Environment Systems and Decisions 40, s10669-020-09778-9, S. 287 - 297 (2020)
Haldon, J.; Chase, A. F.; Eastwood, W.; Medina-Elizalde, M.; Izdebski, A.; Ludlow, F.; Middleton, G.; Mordechai, L.; Nesbitt, J.; II, B.L. T.: Demystifying Collapse: climate, environment, and social agency in pre-modern societies. Millennium. Jahrbuch zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr. 17 (1), 0002, S. 1 - 33 (2020)
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