Publikationen von Alison Crowther

Zeitschriftenartikel (33)

Denham, T.; Barton, H.; Castillo, C.; Crowther, A.; Dotte-Sarout, E.; Florin, A.; Pritchard, J.; Barron, A.; Zhang, Y.; Fuller, D. Q.: The domestication syndrome in vegetatively-propagated field crops. Annals of Botany 125 (4), mcz212, S. 581 - 597 (2020)
Wedage, O.; Roberts, P.; Faulkner, P.; Crowther, A.; Douka, K.; Picin, A.; Blinkhorn, J.; Deraniyagala, S.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M. et al.; Amano, N.: Late pleistocene to early-Holocene rainforest foraging in Sri Lanka: multidisciplinary analysis at Kitulgala Beli-lena. Quaternary Science Reviews 231, 106200, S. 1 - 19 (2020)
Horton, M.; Boivin, N. L.; Crowther, A.: Eastern Africa and the early Indian Ocean: understanding mobility in a globalising world. Journal of Egyptian History 13 (1-2), 18741665-12340063, S. 380 - 408 (2020)
Roberts, P.; Prendergast, M. E.; Janzen, A.; Shipton, C.; Blinkhorn, J.; Zech, J.; Crowther, A.; Sawchuk, E. A.; Stewart, M.; Ndiema, E. et al.; Petraglia, M. D.; Boivin, N. L.: Late Pleistocene to Holocene human palaeoecology in the tropical environments of coastal eastern Africa. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 537, 109438, S. 1 - 18 (2020)
Soto, M.; Inwood, J.; Clarke, S.; Crowther, A.; Covelli, D.; Favreau, J.; Itambu, M.; Larter, S.; Lee, P.; Lozano, M. et al.; Maley, J.; Mwambwiga, A.; Patalano, R.; Sammynaiken, R.; Vergès, J. M.; Zhu, J.; Mercader, J.: Structural characterization and decontamination of dental calculus for ancient starch research. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11 (9), S. 4847 - 4872 (2019)
Stephens, L.; Fuller, D.; Boivin, N. L.; Rick, T.; Gauthier, N.; Kay, A.; Marwick, B.; Armstrong, C. G.; Barton, C. M.; Denham, T. et al.; Douglass, K.; Driver, J.; Janz, L.; Roberts, P.; Rogers, J. D.; Heather, T.; Altaweel, M.; Johnson, A. L.; Sampietro Vattuone, M. M.; Aldenderfer, M.; Archila, S.; Artioli, G.; Bale, M. T.; Beach, T.; Borrell, F.; Braje, T.; Buckland, P. I.; Jiménez Cano, N. G.; Capriles, J. M.; Diez Castillo, A.; Cilingiroglu, C.; Negus Cleary, M.; Conolly, J.; Coutros, P. R.; Covey, R. A.; Cremaschi, M.; Crowther, A.; Der, L.; di Lernia, S.; Doershuk, J. F.; Doolittle, W. E.; Edwards, K. J.; Erlandson, J. M.; Evans, D.; Fairbairn, A.; Faulkner, P.; Feinman, G.; Fernandes, R.; Fitzpatrick, S. M.; Fyfe, R.; Garcea, E.; Goldstein, S. T.; Goodman, R. C.; Dalpoim Guedes, J.; Herrmann, J.; Hiscock, P.; Hommel, P.; Horsburgh, K. A.; Hritz, C.; Ives, J. W.; Junno, A.; Kahn, J. G.; Kaufman, B.; Kearns, C.; Kidder, T. R.; Lanoë, F.; Lawrence, D.; Lee, G.-A.; Levin, M. J.; Lindskoug, H. B.; López-Sáez, J. A.; Macrae, S.; Marchant, R.; Marston, J. M.; McClure, S.; McCoy, M. D.; Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Morrison, M.; Motuzaite Matuzeviciute, G.; Müller, J.; Nayak, A.; Noerwidi, S.; Peres, T. M.; Peterson, C. E.; Proctor, L.; Randall, A. R.; Renette, S.; Robbins Schug, G.; Ryzewski, K.; Saini, R.; Scheinsohn, V.; Schmidt, P.; Sebillaud, P.; Seitsonen, O.; Simpson, I. A.; Sołtysiak, A.; Speakman, R. J.; Spengler III, R. N.; Steffen, M. L.; Storozum, M. J.; Strickland, K. M.; Thompson, J.; Thurston, T. L.; Ulm, S.; Ustunkaya, M. C.; Welker, M. H.; West, C.; Williams, P. R.; Wright, D. K.; Wright, N.; Zahir, M.; Zerboni, A.; Beaudoin, E.; Munevar Garcia, S.; Powell, J.; Thornton, A.; Kaplan, J. O.; Gaillard, M.-J.; Klein Goldewijk, K.; Ellis, E.: Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use. Science 365 (6456), S. 897 - 902 (2019)
Faulkner, P.; Harris, M.; Haji, O.; Crowther, A.; Horton, M. C.; Boivin, N. L.: Towards a historical ecology of intertidal foraging in the Mafia Archipelago: archaeomalacology and implications for marine resource management. Journal of Ethnobiology 39 (2), S. 182 - 203 (2019)
Wedage, O.; Amano, N.; Langley, M. C.; Douka, K.; Blinkhorn, J.; Crowther, A.; Deraniyagala, S.; Kourampas, N.; Simpson, I.; Perera, N. et al.; Picin, A.; Boivin, N. L.; Petraglia, M. D.; Roberts, P.: Specialized rainforest hunting by Homo sapiens ~45,000 years ago. Nature Communications 10, 739 (2019)
Faulkner, P.; Harris, M.; Haji, O.; Ali, A. K.; Crowther, A.; Shipton, C.; Horton, M. C.; Boivin, N. L.: Long-term trends in terrestrial and marine invertebrate exploitation on the eastern African coast: Insights from Kuumbi Cave, Zanzibar. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 14 (4), S. 478 - 514 (2019)
Mercader, J.; Akeju, T.; Brown, M.; Bundala, M.; Collins, M. J.; Copeland, L.; Crowther, A.; Dunfield, P.; Henry, A.; Inwood, J. et al.; Itambu, M.; Kim, J.-J.; Larter, S.; Longo, L.; Oldenburg, T.; Patalano, R.; Sammynaiken, R.; Soto, M.; Tyler, R.; Xhauflair, H.: Exaggerated expectations in ancient starch research and the need for new taphonomic and authenticity criteria. FACETS 3 (1), S. 777 - 798 (2018)
Marchant, R.; Richer, S.; Boles, O.; Capitani, C.; Courtney-Mustaphi, C. J.; Lane, P.; Prendergast, M. E.; Stump, D.; Cort, G. D.; Kaplan, J. O. et al.; Phelps, L.; Kay, A.; Olago, D.; Petek, N.; Platts, P. J.; Punwong, P.; Widgren, M.; Wynne-Jones, S.; Ferro-Vázquez, C.; Benard, J.; Boivin, N. L.; Crowther, A.; Cuní-Sanchez, A.; Deere, N. J.; Ekblom, A.; Farmer, J.; Finch, J.; Fuller, D.; Gaillard-Lemdahl, M.-J.; Gillson, L.; Githumbi, E.; Kabora, T.; Kariuki, R.; Kinyanjui, R.; Kyazike, E.; Lang, C.; Lejju, J.; Morrison, K. D.; Muiruri, V.; Mumbi, C.; Muthoni, R.; Muzuka, A.; Ndiema, E.; Nzabandora, C. K.; Onjala, I.; Schrijver, A. P.; Rucina, S.; Shoemaker, A.; Thornton-Barnett, S.; van der Plas, G.; Watson, E. E.; Williamson, D.; Wright, D.: Drivers and trajectories of land cover change in East Africa: human and environmental interactions from 6000 years ago to present. Earth-Science Reviews 178, S. 322 - 378 (2018)
Brucato, N.; Fernandes, V.; Mazières, S.; Kusuma, P.; Cox, M. P.; Ng’ang’a, J. W.; Omar, M.; Simeone-Senelle, M.-C.; Frassati, C.; Alshamali, F. et al.; Fin, B.; Boland, A.; Deleuze, J.-F.; Stoneking, M.; Adelaar, A.; Crowther, A.; Boivin, N. L.; Pereira, L.; Bailly, P.; Chiaroni, J.; Ricaut, F.-X.: The Comoros show the earliest Austronesian gene flow into the Swahili corridor. The American Journal of Human Genetics 102 (1), S. 58 - 68 (2018)
Faulkner, P.; Harris, M.; Ali, A. K.; Haji, O.; Crowther, A.; Horton, M. C.; Boivin, N. L.: Characterising marine mollusc exploitation in the eastern African Iron Age: Archaeomalacological evidence from Unguja Ukuu and Fukuchani, Zanzibar. Quaternary International 471, Part A, S. 66 - 80 (2017)

Buchkapitel (3)

Boivin, N. L.; Crowther, A.: Early connections. In: The Swahili world, 7, 1st ed. Aufl., S. 105 - 120 (Hg. Wynne-Jones, S.; LaViolette, A.). Routledge, London (2018)
Horton, M.; Crowther, A.; Boivin, N. L.: Facing Mecca from Africa: Islam and globalization on the Swahili Coast during the first millennium CE and beyond. In: Connecting continents: archaeology and history in the Indian Ocean World, 3, S. 68 - 91. Ohio State University Press, Ohio (2018)
Horton, M.; Crowther, A.; Boivin, N. L.: Ships of the desert, camels of the ocean. In: Trade in the ancient sahara and beyond, 5, S. 131 - 155 (Hg. Mattingly, D. J.; Leitch, V.; Duckworth, C. N.; Cuénod, A.; Sterry, M.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2017)

Preprint (2)

Lambourne, M.-L.; Amano, N.; Boivin, N. L.; Crowther, A.; Peters, C.; Weisler, M.: Taxonomic identification of Hawaiian bone fishhooks using Zooms: documenting raw material selection and possible ritual use of terrestrial species. SSRN, 4696254 (2024)
Yu, H.; Jamieson, A.; Hulme-Beaman, A.; Conroy, C. J.; Knight, B.; Speller, C.; Al-Jarah, H.; Eager, H.; Trinks, A.; Adikari, G. et al.; Baron, H.; Böhlendorf-Arslan, B.; Bohingamuwa, W.; Crowther, A.; Cucchi, T.; Esser, K.; Fleisher, J.; Gidney, L.; Gladilina, E.; Gol’din, P.; Goodman, S. M.; Hamilton-Dyer, S.; Helm, R.; Hillman, C.; Kallala, N.; Kivikero, H.; Kovács, Z. E.; Karl Kunst, G.; Kyselý, R.; Linderholm, A.; Maraoui-Telmini, B.; Morales-Muñiz, A.; Nabais, M.; O’Connor, T.; Oueslati, T.; Morales, Q.; M., E.; Pasda, K.; Perera, J.; Perera, N.; Radbauer, S.; Ramon, J.; Rannamäe, E.; Sanmartí Grego, J.; Treasure, E.; Valenzuela-Lamas, S.; van der Jagt, I.; Van Neer, W.; Vigne, J.-D.; Walker, T.; Wynne-Jones, S.; Zeiler, J.; Dobney, K.; Boivin, N.; Searle, J. B.; Krause-Kyora, B.; Krause, J.; Larson, G.; Orton, D.: Palaeogenomic analysis of black rat (Rattus rattus) reveals multiple European introductions associated with human economic history. Nature Communications, 2399 (2022)
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