Publikationen von Martine Robbeets

Zeitschriftenartikel (31)

Skirgård, H.; Haynie, H. J.; Blasi, D. E.; Hammarström, H.; Collins, J.; Latarche, J. J.; Lesage, J.; Weber, T.; Witzlack-Makarevich, A.; Passmore, S. et al.; Chira, A.; Maurits, L.; Dinnage, R.; Dunn, M.; Reesink, G.; Singer, R.; Bowern, C.; Epps, P. L.; Hill, J.; Vesakoski, O.; Robbeets, M.; Abbas, N. K.; Auer, D.; Bakker, N. A.; Barbos, G.; Borges, R. D.; Danielsen, S.; Dorenbusch, L.; Dorn, E.; Elliott, J.; Falcone, G.; Fischer, J.; Ate, Y. G.; Gibson, H.; Göbel, H.-P.; Goodall, J. A.; Gruner, V.; Harvey, A.; Hayes, R.; Heer, L.; Miranda, R. E. H.; Hübler, N.; Huntington-Rainey, B. H.; Ivani, J. K.; Johns, M.; Just, E.; Kashima, E.; Kipf, C.; Klingenberg, J. V.; König, N.; Koti, A.; Kowalik, R. G. A.; Krasnoukhova, O.; Lindvall, N. L. M.; Lorenzen, M.; Lutzenberger, H.; Martins, T. R.A.; German, C. M.; van der Meer, S.; Samamé, J. M.; Müller, M.; Muradoglu, S.; Neely, K.; Nickel, J.; Norvik, M.; Oluoch, C. A.; Peacock, J.; Pearey, I. O.C.; Peck, N.; Petit, S.; Pieper, S.; Poblete, M.; Prestipino, D.; Raabe, L.; Raja, A.; Reimringer, J.; Rey, S. C.; Rizaew, J.; Ruppert, E.; Salmon, K. K.; Sammet, J.; Schembri, R.; Schlabbach, L.; Schmidt, F. W.P.; Skilton, A.; Smith, W. D.; de Sousa, H.; Sverredal, K.; Valle, D.; Vera, J.; Voß, J.; Witte, T.; Wu, H.; Yam, S.; Ye, J.; Yong, M.; Yuditha, T.; Zariquiey, R.; Forkel, R.; Evans, N.; Levinson, S. C.; Haspelmath, M.; Greenhill, S. J.; Atkinson, Q.; Gray, R. D.: Grambank reveals the importance of genealogical constraints on linguistic diversity and highlights the impact of language loss. Science Advances 9 (16), eadg6175 (2023)
Oskolskaya, S.; Koile, E.; Robbeets, M.: A Bayesian approach to the classification of Tungusic languages. Diachronica 39 (1), 20010.osk, S. 128 - 158 (2022)
Jarosz, A.; Robbeets, M.; Fernandes, R.; Takamiya, H.; Shinzato, A.; Nakamura, N.; Shinoto, M.; Hudson, M.: Demography, trade and state power: a tripartite model of medieval farming/language dispersals in the Ryukyu Islands. Evolutionary Human Sciences 4, e4, S. 1 - 22 (2022)
Robbeets, M.; Bouckaert, R.; Conte, M.; Savelyev, A.; Li, T.; An, D.-I.; Shinoda, K.-i.; Cui, Y.; Kawashima, T.; Kim, G. et al.; Uchiyama, J.; Dolinska, J.; Oskolskaya, S.; Yamano, K.-Y.; Seguchi, N.; Tomita, H.; Takamiya, H.; Kanzawa-Kiriyama, H.; Oota, H.; Ishida, H.; Kimura, R.; Sato, T.; Kim, J.-H.; Bjorn, R.; Deng, B.; Rhee, S.; Ahn, K.-D.; Gruntov, I.; Mazo, O.; Bentley, J.; Fernandes, R.; Roberts, P.; Bausch, I.; Gilaizeau, L.; Yoneda, M.; Kugai, M.; Bianco, R. A.; Zhang, F.; Himmel, M.; Hudson, M.; Ning, C.: Triangulation supports agricultural spread of the Transeurasian languages. Nature 599 (7886), s41586-021-04108-8, S. 616 - 621 (2021)
Ning, C.; Zhang, F.; Cao, Y.; Qin, L.; Hudson, M.; Gao, S.; Ma, P.; Li, W.; Zhu, S.; Li, C. et al.; Li, T.; Xu, Y.; Li, C.; Robbeets, M.; Zhang, H.; Cui, Y.: Ancient genome analyses shed light on kinship organization and mating practice of Late Neolithic society in China. iScience, 103352 (2021)
Zhang, F.; Ning, C.; Scott, A.; Fu, Q.; Bjorn, R.; Li, W.; Wei, D.; Wang, W.; Fan, L.; Abuduresule, I. et al.; Hu, X.; Ruan, Q.; Niyazi, A.; Dong, G.; Cao, P.; Liu, F.; Dai, Q.; Feng, X.; Yang, R.; Tang, Z.; Ma, P.; Li, C.; Gao, S.; Xu, Y.; Wu, S.; Wen, S.; Zhu, H.; Zhou, H.; Robbeets, M.; Kumar, V.; Krause, J.; Warinner, C. G.; Jeong, C.; Cui, Y.: The genomic origins of the Bronze Age Tarim Basin mummies. Nature 599 (7884), s41586-021-04052-7, S. 256 - 261 (2021)
Hudson, M.; Bausch, I. R.; Robbeets, M.; Li, T.; White, J. A.; Gilaizeau, L.: Bronze Age globalisation and Eurasian impacts on later Jōmon social change. Journal of World Prehistory 34, s10963-021-09156-6, S. 121 - 158 (2021)
Wang, C.-C.; Yeh, H.-Y.; Popov, A. N.; Zhang, H.-Q.; Matsumura, H.; Sirak, K.; Cheronet, O.; Kovalev, A.; Rohland, N.; Kim, A. M. et al.; Mallick, S.; Bernardos, R.; Tumen, D.; Zhao, J.; Liu, Y.-C.; Liu, J.-Y.; Mah, M.; Wang, K.; Zhang, Z.; Adamski, N.; Broomandkhoshbacht, N.; Callan, K.; Candilio, F.; Carlson, K. S. D.; Culleton, B. J.; Eccles, L.; Freilich, S.; Keating, D.; Lawson, A. M.; Mandl, K.; Michel, M.; Oppenheimer, J.; Özdoğan, K. T.; Stewardson, K.; Wen, S.; Yan, S.; Zalzala, F.; Chuang, R.; Huang, C.-J.; Looh, H.; Shiung, C.-C.; Nikitin, Y. G.; Tabarev, A. V.; Tishkin, A. A.; Lin, S.; Sun, Z.-Y.; Wu, X.-M.; Yang, T.-L.; Hu, X.; Chen, L.; Du, H.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Mijiddorj, E.; Erdenebaatar, D.; Iderkhangai, T.-O.; Myagmar, E.; Kanzawa-Kiriyama, H.; Nishino, M.; Shinoda, K.-i.; Shubina, O. A.; Guo, J.; Cai, W.; Deng, Q.; Kang, L.; Li, D.; Li, D.; Lin, R.; Shrestha, N. R.; Wang, L.-X.; Wei, L.; Xie, G.; Yao, H.; Zhang, M.; He, G.; Yang, X.; Hu, R.; Robbeets, M.; Schiffels, S.; Kennett, D. J.; Jin, L.; Li, H.; Krause, J.; Pinhasi, R.; Reich, D.: Genomic insights into the formation of human populations in East Asia. Nature 591 (7850), s41586-021-03336-2, S. 413 - 419 (2021)
Robbeets, M.; Wang, C.-C.: About millets and beans, words and genes. Evolutionary Human Sciences (2), e33 (2020)
Li, T.; Ning, C.; Zhushchikhovskaya, I. S.; Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.: Millet agriculture dispersed from Northeast China to the Russian Far East: integrating archaeology, genetics, and linguistics. Archaeological Research in Asia 22, 100177, S. 1 - 21 (2020)
Ning, C.; Li, T.; Wang, K.; Zhang, F.; Li, T.; Wu, X.; Gao, S.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, H.; Hudson, M. et al.; Dong, G.; Wu, S.; Fang, Y.; Liu, C.; Feng, C.; Li, W.; Han, T.; Li, R.; Wei, J.; Zhu, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Wang, C.-C.; Fan, S.; Xiong, Z.; Sun, Z.; Ye, M.; Sun, L.; Wu, X.; Liang, F.; Cao, Y.; Wei, X.; Zhu, H.; Zhou, H.; Krause, J.; Robbeets, M.; Jeong, C.; Cui, Y.: Ancient genomes from northern China suggest links between subsistence changes and human migration. Nature Communications 11, 2700 (2020)
Cui, Y.; Zhang, F.; Ma, P.; Fan, L.; Ning, C.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, W.; Wang, L.; Robbeets, M.: Bioarchaeological perspective on the expansion of Transeurasian languages in Neolithic Amur River basin. Evolutionary Human Sciences, e15 (2020)
Wang, C.-C.; Robbeets, M.: The homeland of Proto-Tungusic inferred from contemporary words and ancient genomes. Evolutionary Human Sciences 2, e8 (2020)
Nelson, S.; Zhushchikhovskaya, I.; Li, T.; Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.: Tracing population movements in ancient East Asia through the linguistics and archaeology of textile production [Review]. Evolutionary Human Sciences 2, e5, S. 1 - 20 (2020)
Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.: Archaeolinguistic evidence for the farming/language dispersal of Koreanic. Evolutionary Human Sciences 2, e52, S. 1 - 17 (2020)
Savelyev, A.; Robbeets, M.: Bayesian phylolinguistics infers the internal structure and the time-depth of the Turkic language family. Journal of Language Evolution 5 (1), lzz010, S. 39 - 53 (2020)
Jeong, C.; Balanovsky, O.; Lukianova, E.; Kahbatkyzy, N.; Flegontov, P.; Zaporozhchenko, V.; Immel, A.; Wang, C.-C.; Ixan, O.; Khussainova, E. et al.; Bekmanov, B.; Zaibert, V.; Lavryashina, M.; Pocheshkhova, E.; Yusupov, Y.; Agdzhoyan, A.; Koshel, S.; Bukin, A.; Nymadawa, P.; Turdikulova, S.; Dalimova, D.; Churnosov, M.; Skhalyakho, R.; Daragan, D.; Bogunov, Y.; Bogunova, A.; Shtrunov, A.; Dubova, N.; Zhabagin, M.; Yepiskoposyan, L.; Churakov, V.; Pislegin, N.; Damba, L.; Saroyants, L.; Dibirova, K.; Atramentova, L.; Utevska, O.; Idrisov, E.; Kamenshchikova, E.; Evseeva, I.; Metspalu, M.; Outram, A. K.; Robbeets, M.; Djansugurova, L.; Balanovska, E.; Schiffels, S.; Haak, W.; Reich, D.; Krause, J.: The genetic history of admixture across inner Eurasia. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3, S. 966 - 976 (2019)
Jeong, C.; Wilkin, S.; Amgalantugs, T.; Bouwman, A. S.; Taylor, W. T. T.; Hagan, R.; Bromage, S.; Tsolmon, S.; Trachsel, C.; Grossmann, J. et al.; Littleton, J.; Makarewicz, C. A.; Krigbaum, J.; Burri Promerová, M.; Scott, A.; Davaasambuu, G.; Wright, J.; Irmer, F.; Myagmar, E.; Boivin, N. L.; Robbeets, M.; Rühli, F. J.; Krause, J.; Frohlich, B.; Hendy, J.; Warinner, C. G.: Bronze Age population dynamics and the rise of dairy pastoralism on the eastern Eurasian steppe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (48), S. E11248 - E11255 (2018)
Robbeets, M.; Bouckaert, R.: Bayesian phylolinguistics reveals the internal structure of the Transeurasian family. Journal of Language Evolution 3 (2), S. 145 - 162 (2018)
Robbeets, M.: Transeurasian core structures in Turkic. Turkic Languages 21 (1), S. 3 - 35 (2017)
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