Publikationen von Mathew Stewart

Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

Stewart, M.; Andrieux, E.; Blinkhorn, J.; Guagnin, M.; Fernandes, R.; Vanwezer, N.; Hatton, A.; Alqahtani, M.; Zalmout, I.; Clark-Wilson, R. et al.; Al-Mufarreh, Y. S. A.; Al-Shanti, M.; Zahrani, B.; Al Omari, A.; Al-Jibreen, F.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M.; Groucutt, H. S.: First evidence for human occupation of a lava tube in Arabia: the archaeology of Umm Jirsan Cave and its surroundings, northern Saudi Arabia. PLOS ONE 19 (4), e0299292 (2024)
Iminjili, V.; Stewart, M.; Culley, C.; Hixon, S.; Goldstein, S.; Bleasdale, M.; Sánchez Flores, A. J.; Lucas, M.; Ilgner, J.; Prendergast, M. E. et al.; Crowther, A.; Boivin, N. L.; Roberts, P.: Late Pleistocene to late Holocene palaeoecology and human foraging at Kuumbi Cave, Zanzibar Island. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 2, 1080785 (2023)
Stewart, M.; Carleton, W. C.; Groucutt, H. S.: Extreme events in biological, societal, and earth sciences: a systematic review of the literature. Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 786829 (2022)
Stewart, M.; Carleton, W. C.; Groucutt, H. S.: Reply to: Accurate population proxies do not exist between 11.7 and 15 ka in North America. Nature Communications 13 (1), 4693 (2022)
Groucutt, H. S.; Carleton, W. C.; Fenech, K.; Gauci, R.; Grima, R.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Stewart, M.; Vella, N. C.: The 4.2 ka event and the end of the Maltese “Temple Period”. Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 771683 (2022)
Carleton, W. C.; Collard , M.; Stewart, M.; Groucutt, H. S.: A song of neither ice nor fire: temperature extremes had no impact on violent conflict among european societies during the 2nd Millennium CE. Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 769107 (2021)
Groucutt, H. S.; White, T. S.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Andrieux, E.; Clark-Wilson, R.; Breeze, P. S.; Armitage, S. J.; Stewart, M.; Drake, N.; Louys, J. et al.; Price, G. J.; Duval, M.; Parton, A.; Candy, I.; Carleton, W. C.; Shipton, C.; Jennings, R. P.; Zahir, M.; Blinkhorn, J.; Blockley, S.; Al-Omari, A.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Petraglia, M. D.: Multiple hominin dispersals into Southwest Asia over the past 400,000 years. Nature 597 (7876), s41586-021-03863-y, S. 376 - 380 (2021)
Stewart, M.; Andrieux, E.; Clark-Wilson, R.; Vanwezer, N.; Blinkhorn, J.; Armitage, S. J.; al Omari, A.; Zahrani, B.; Alqahtani, M.; Al-Shanti, M. et al.; Zalmout, I.; Al-Mufarreh, Y. S. A.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M. D.; Groucutt, H. S.: Taphonomy of an excavated striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) den in Arabia: implications for paleoecology and prehistory. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13 (8), 139, S. 1 - 25 (2021)
Guagnin, M.; Shipton, C.; Martin, L.; Kingwell-Banham, E.; Breeze, P.; Graham, L.; Ott, F.; Stewart, M.; El-Dossary, S.; Zahrani, B. et al.; Al-Omari, A.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Petraglia, M.: A tale of two hearth sites: Neolithic and intermittent mid to late Holocene occupations in the Jubbah oasis, northern Saudi Arabia. Archaeological Research in Asia 26, 100278, S. 1 - 20 (2021)
Stewart, M.; Carleton, W. C.; Groucutt, H. S.: Climate change, not human population growth, correlates with Late Quaternary megafauna declines in North America. Nature Communications 12 (1), 965, S. 1 - 15 (2021)
Stewart, M.; Clark-Wilson, R.; Breeze, P. S.; Janulis, K.; Candy, I.; Armitage, S. J.; Ryves, D. B.; Louys, J.; Duval, M.; Price, G. J. et al.; Cuthbertson, P.; Bernal, M. A.; Drake, N. A.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Zahrani, B.; Al-Omari, A.; Roberts, P.; Groucutt, H. S.; Petraglia, M. D.: Human footprints provide snapshot of last interglacial ecology in the Arabian interior. Science Advances 6 (38), eaba8940 (2020)

Buchkapitel (1)

Stewart, M.; Amano, N.: Late Pleistocene of South and Southwest Asia. In: Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 00117-3, S. 1 - 14. Elsevier (2023)
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