Publikationen von Dorian Q. Fuller

Zeitschriftenartikel (9)

Rick, T.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Braje, T. J.; Crowther, A.; Erlandson, J. M.; Fuller, D. Q.; Gill, K. M.; Groucutt, H. S.; Guagnin, M.; Helm, R. et al.: Coring, profiling, and trenching: archaeological field strategies for investigating the Pleistocene-Holocene-Anthropocene continuum. Quaternary International 628, 2022.02.011, S. 1 - 17 (2022)
Mabry, M. E.; Turner-Hissong, S. D.; Gallagher, E. Y.; McAlvay, A. C.; An, H.; Edger, P. P.; Moore, J. D.; Pink, D. A. C.; Teakle, G. R.; Stevens, C. J. et al.: The evolutionary history of wild, domesticated, and feral Brassica oleracea (Brassicaceae). Molecular Biology and Evolution 38 (10), msab183, S. 4419 - 4434 (2021)
Gestrich, N.; Champion, L.; Keïta, D.; Coulibaly, N.; Fuller, D. Q.: Evidence of an Eleventh-Century AD Cola Nitida trade into the Middle Niger Region. African Archaeological Review 38 (3), s10437-021-09445-7, S. 403 - 418 (2021)
Allué, E.; Murphy, C.; Kingwell-Banham, E.; Bohingamuwa, W.; Adikari, G.; Perera, N.; Boivin, N.; Fuller, D. Q.: A step forward in tropical anthracology: understanding woodland vegetation and wood uses in ancient Sri Lanka based on charcoal records from Mantai, Kirinda and Kantharodai. Quaternary International 593-594, 2020.12.009, S. 236 - 247 (2021)
Fuller, D. Q.; Barron, A.; Champion, L.; Dupuy, C.; Commelin, D.; Raimbault, M.; Denham, T.: Transition from wild to domesticated Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum) Revealed in Ceramic Temper at three middle Holocene sites in Northern Mali. African Archaeological Review 38, s10437-021-09428-8, S. 211 - 230 (2021)
Champion, L.; Fuller, D. Q.; Ozainne, S.; Huysecom, É.; Mayor, A.: Agricultural diversification in West Africa: an archaeobotanical study of the site of Sadia (Dogon Country, Mali). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13 (4), 60, S. 1 - 21 (2021)
Dal Martello, R.; Xiaorui, L.; Fuller, D. Q.: Two-season agriculture and irrigated rice during the Dian: radiocarbon dates and archaeobotanical remains from Dayingzhuang, Yunnan, Southwest China. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13 (4), 62, S. 1 - 21 (2021)
Stevens, C. J.; Shelach-Lavi, G.; Zhang, H.; Teng, M.; Fuller, D. Q.: A model for the domestication of Panicum miliaceum (common, proso or broomcorn millet) in China. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 30 (1), s00334-020-00804-z, S. 21 - 33 (2021)
Barron, A.; Fuller, D. Q.; Stevens, C.; Champion, L.; Winchell, F.; Denham, T.: Snapshots in time: MicroCT scanning of pottery sherds determines early domestication of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in East Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science 123, 105259, S. 1 - 10 (2020)