Publikationen von Ricarda Winkelmann

Zeitschriftenartikel (78)

Carleton, W. C.; Elton, H.; Miranda, W.; Work, I.; Safarik, D.; Winkelmann, R.; Laubichler, M. D.; Renn, J.; Roberts, P.: Parallel scaling of elite wealth in ancient Roman and modern cities with implications for understanding urban inequality. Nature cities, s44284-025-00213-1 (2025)
Loriani, S.; Bartsch, A.; Calamita, E.; Donges, J. F.; Hebden, S.; Hirota, M.; Landolfi, A.; Nagler, T.; Sakschewski, B.; Staal, A. et al.; Verbesselt, J.; Winkelmann, R.; Wood, R.; Wunderling, N.: Monitoring the multiple stages of climate tipping systems from space: Do the GCOS essential climate variables meet the needs? Surveys in Geophysics, s10712-024-09866-4 (2025)
Los, S.; Winkelmann, R.; Roberts, P.: Exploring tropical forest aboveground carbon dynamics via modelled landscapes of varied food production, past and present. Plants, people, planet, 10608 (2024)
Rosser, J. P.; Winkelmann, R.; Wunderling, N.: Polar ice sheets are decisive contributors to uncertainty in climate tipping projections. Communications Earth & Environment 5 (1), 702 (2024)
Zuccarelli Freire, V.; Ziegler, M.; Caetano Andrade, V.; Iminjili, V.; Lellau, R.; Stokes, F. J.; Rudd, R.; Heberle Viegas, D.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Jha, G. et al.; Antonosyan, M.; Jha, D.; Winkelmann, R.; Roberts, P.; Furquim, L.: Addressing the Anthropocene from the Global South: integrating paleoecology, archaeology and traditional knowledge for COP engagement. Frontiers in Earth Science 12, 1470577 (2024)
Klose, A. K.; Coulon, V.; Pattyn, F.; Winkelmann, R.: The long-term sea-level commitment from Antarctica. The Cryosphere 18 (9), 18-4463-2024, S. 4463 - 4492 (2024)
Fuchs, N.; Anhaus, P.; Hoppmann, M.; Kagel, T.; Katlein, C.; Reese, R.; Riemenschneider, L.; Tao, R.; Winkelmann, R.; Notz, D.: In-ice light measurements during the MOSAiC expedition. Scientific Data 11 (1), 702 (2024)
Klose, A. K.; Donges, J. F.; Feudel, U.; Winkelmann, R.: Rate-induced tipping cascades arising from interactions between the Greenland Ice Sheet and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Earth System Dynamics 15 (3), 5-635-2024, S. 635 - 652 (2024)
Rockström, J.; Kotzé, L.; Milutinović, S.; Biermann, F.; Brovkin, V.; Donges, J.; Ebbesson, J.; French, D.; Gupta, J.; Kim, R. et al.; Lenton, T.; Lenzi, D.; Nakicenovic, N.; Neumann, B.; Schuppert, F.; Winkelmann, R.; Bosselmann, K.; Folke, C.; Lucht, W.; Schlosberg, D.; Richardson, K.; Steffen, W.: The planetary commons: a new paradigm for safeguarding Earth-regulating systems in the Anthropocene. PNAS 121 (5), e2301531121, S. 1 - 10 (2024)
Lenton, T. M.; Abrams, J. F.; Bartsch, A.; Bathiany, S.; Boulton, C. A.; Buxton, J. E.; Conversi, A.; Cunliffe, A. M.; Hebden, S.; Lavergne, T. et al.; Poulter, B.; Shepherd, A.; Smith, T.; Swingedouw, D.; Winkelmann, R.; Boers, N.: Remotely sensing potential climate change tipping points across scales. Nature Communications 15 (1), 343 (2024)
Roberts, P.; Carleton, W. C.; Amano, N.; Findley, D. M.; Hamilton, R.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Winkelmann, R.; Laubichler, M. D.; Renn, J.: Using urban pasts to speak to urban presents in the Anthropocene. Nature cities 1 (1), s44284-023-00014-4, S. 30 - 41 (2024)
Wunderling, N.; von der Heydt, A. S.; Aksenov, Y.; Barker, S.; Bastiaansen, R.; Brovkin, V.; Brunetti, M.; Couplet, V.; Kleinen, T.; Lear, C. H. et al.; Lohmann, J.; Roman-Cuesta, R. M.; Sinet, S.; Swingedouw, D.; Winkelmann, R.; Anand, P.; Barichivich, J.; Bathiany, S.; Baudena, M.; Bruun, J. T.; Chiessi, C. M.; Coxall, H. K.; Docquier, D.; Donges, J. F.; Falkena, S. K. J.; Klose, A. K.; Obura, D.; Rocha, J.; Rynders, S.; Steinert, N. J.; Willeit, M.: Climate tipping point interactions and cascades: a review. Earth System Dynamics 15 (1), 15-41-2024, S. 41 - 74 (2024)
Abrams, J. F.; Huntingford, C.; Williamson, M. S.; Armstrong McKay, D. I.; Boulton, C. A.; Buxton, J. E.; Sakschewski, B.; Loriani, S.; Zimm, C.; Winkelmann, R. et al.; Lenton, T. M.: Committed global warming risks triggering multiple climate tipping points. Earth's Future 11 (11), e2022EF003250 (2023)
Sylvester, F.; Weichert, F. G.; Lozano, V. L.; Groh, K. J.; Bálint, M.; Baumann, L.; Bässler, C.; Brack, W.; Brandl, B.; Curtius, J. et al.; Dierkes, P.; Döll, P.; Ebersberger, I.; Fragkostefanakis, S.; Helfrich, E. J. N.; Hickler, T.; Johann, S.; Jourdan, J.; Klimpel, S.; Kminek, H.; Liquin, F.; Möllendorf, D.; Mueller, T.; Oehlmann, J.; Ottermanns, R.; Pauls, S. U.; Piepenbring, M.; Pfefferle, J.; Schenk, G. J.; Scheepens, J. F.; Scheringer, M.; Schiwy, S.; Schlottmann, A.; Schneider, F.; Schulte, L. M.; Schulze-Sylvester, M.; Stelzer, E.; Strobl, F.; Sundermann, A.; Tockner, K.; Tröger, T.; Vilcinskas, A.; Völker, C.; Winkelmann, R.; Hollert, H.: Better integration of chemical pollution research will further our understanding of biodiversity loss. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, s41559-023-02117-6, S. 1552 - 1555 (2023)
Hill, E. A.; Urruty, B.; Reese, R.; Garbe, J.; Gagliardini, O.; Durand, G.; Gillet-Chaulet, F.; Gudmundsson, G. H.; Winkelmann, R.; Chekki, M. et al.; Chandler, D.; Langebroek, P. M.: No indication of marine ice sheet instability in the current geometry. The Cryosphere 17 (9), 17-3739-2023, S. 3739 - 3759 (2023)
Reese, R.; Garbe, J.; Hill, E. A.; Urruty, B.; Naughten, K. A.; Gagliardini, O.; Durand, G.; Gillet-Chaulet, F.; Chandler, D.; Langebroek, P. M. et al.; Winkelmann, R.: Onset of irreversible retreat of Amundsen Sea glaciers under current climate on centennial timescales cannot be excluded. The Cryosphere 17 (9), 17-3761-2023, S. 3761 - 3783 (2023)
Mevenkamp, H.; Wunderling, N.; Bhatt, U.; Carman, T.; Donges, J. F.; Genet, H.; Serbin, S.; Winkelmann, R.; Euskirchen, E. S.: Reducing uncertainty of high-latitude ecosystem models through identification of key parameters. Environmental Research Letters 18 (8), 084032 (2023)
Rockström, J.; Gupta, J.; Qin, D.; Lade, S. J.; Abrams, J. F.; Andersen, L. S.; Armstrong McKay, D. I.; Bai, X.; Bala, G.; Bunn, S. E. et al.; Ciobanu, D.; DeClerck, F.; Ebi, K.; Gifford, L.; Gordon, C.; Hasan, S.; Kanie, N.; Lenton, T. M.; Loriani, S.; Liverman, D. M.; Mohamed, A.; Nakicenovic, N.; Obura, D.; Ospina, D.; Prodani, K.; Rammelt, C.; Sakschewski, B.; Scholtens, J.; Stewart-Koster, B.; Tharammal, T.; van Vuuren, D.; Verburg, P. H.; Winkelmann, R.; Zimm, C.; Bennett, E. M.; Bringezu, S.; Broadgate, W.; Green, P. A.; Huang, L.; Jacobson, L.; Ndehedehe, C.; Pedde, S.; Rocha, J.; Scheffer, M.; Schulte-Uebbing, L.; de Vries, W.; Xiao, C.; Xu, C.; Xu, X.; Zafra-Calvo, N.; Zhang, X.: Safe and just Earth system boundaries. Nature 619 (7968), s41586-023-06083-8, S. 102 - 111 (2023)
Nicola, L.; Notz, D.; Winkelmann, R.: Revisiting temperature sensitivity: how does Antarctic precipitation change with temperature? The Cryosphere 17 (7), 2563, S. 2563 - 2583 (2023)
Beckmann, J.; Winkelmann, R.: Effects of extreme melt events on ice flow and sea level rise of the Greenland Ice Sheet. The Cryosphere 17 (7), 17-3083-2023, S. 3083 - 3099 (2023)
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