Publikationen von Philipp W. Stockhammer

Zeitschriftenartikel (32)

Massy, K.; Stockhammer, P. W.: Testing Reinecke’s chronology of the Early Bronze Age with radiocarbon dating: new evidence from Southern Bavaria. Studia Hercynia 2019 (2), S. 22 - 35 (2019)
Massy, K.; Stockhammer, P. W.: Testing Reinecke’s chronology of the Early Bronze Age with radiocarbon dating: new evidence from Southern Bavaria. Studia Hercynia XXIII (2), S. 22 - 35 (2019)
Stockhammer, P. W.; Mittnik, A.; Massy, K.; Knipper, C.: Die wissenden Frauen vom Lechtal. Spektrum der Wissenschaft: Spezial Archäologie, Geschichte, Kultur (4), S. 38 - 41 (2018)
Eisenmann, S.; Bánffy, E.; van Dommelen, P.; Hofmann, K. P.; Maran, J.; Lazaridis, I.; Mittnik, A.; McCormick, M.; Krause, J.; Reich, D. et al.; Stockhammer, P. W.: Reconciling material cultures in archaeology with genetic data: The nomenclature of clusters emerging from archaeogenomic analysis. Scientific Reports 8, 13003 (2018)
Mathieson, I.; Alpaslan-Roodenberg, S.; Posth, C.; Szécsényi-Nagy, A.; Rohland, N.; Mallick, S.; Olalde, I.; Broomandkhoshbacht, N.; Candilio, F.; Cheronet, O. et al.; Fernandes, D.; Ferry, M.; Gamarra, B.; Fortes, G. G.; Haak, W.; Harney, E.; Jones, E.; Keating, D.; Krause-Kyora, B.; Kucukkalipci, I.; Michel, M.; Mittnik, A.; Nägele, K.; Novak, M.; Oppenheimer, J.; Patterson, N.; Pfrengle, S.; Sirak, K.; Stewardson, K.; Vai, S.; Alexandrov, S.; Alt, K. W.; Andreescu, R.; Antonović, D.; Ash, A.; Atanassova, N.; Bacvarov, K.; Gusztáv, M. B.; Bocherens, H.; Bolus, M.; Boroneanţ, A.; Boyadzhiev, Y.; Budnik, A.; Burmaz, J.; Chohadzhiev, S.; Conard, N. J.; Cottiaux, R.; Čuka, M.; Cupillard, C.; Drucker, D. G.; Elenski, N.; Francken, M.; Galabova, B.; Ganetsovski, G.; Gély, B.; Hajdu, T.; Handzhyiska, V.; Harvati, K.; Higham, T.; Iliev, S.; Janković, I.; Karavanić, I.; Kennett, D. J.; Komšo, D.; Kozak, A.; Labuda, D.; Lari, M.; Lazar, C.; Leppek, M.; Leshtakov, K.; Vetro, D. L.; Los, D.; Lozanov, I.; Malina, M.; Martini, F.; McSweeney, K.; Meller, H.; Menđušić, M.; Mirea, P.; Moiseyev, V.; Petrova, V.; Price, T. D.; Simalcsik, A.; Sineo, L.; Šlaus, M.; Slavchev, V.; Stanev, P.; Starović, A.; Szeniczey, T.; Talamo, S.; Teschler-Nicola, M.; Thevenet, C.; Valchev, I.; Valentin, F.; Vasilyev, S.; Veljanovska, F.; Venelinova, S.; Veselovskaya, E.; Viola, T.; Virag, C.; Zaninović, J.; Zäuner, S.; Stockhammer, P. W.; Catalano, G.; Krauß, R.; Caramelli, D.; Zariņa, G.; Gaydarska, B.; Lillie, M.; Nikitin, A. G.; Potekhina, I.; Papathanasiou, A.; Borić, D.; Bonsall, C.; Krause, J.; Pinhasi, R.; Reich, D.: The genomic history of southeastern Europe. Nature 555 (7695), 25778, S. 197 - 203 (2018)
Olalde, I.; Brace, S.; Allentoft, M. E.; Armit, I.; Kristiansen, K.; Booth, T.; Rohland, N.; Mallick, S.; Szécsényi-Nagy, A.; Mittnik, A. et al.; Altena, E.; Lipson, M.; Lazaridis, I.; Harper, T. K.; Patterson, N.; Broomandkhoshbacht, N.; Diekmann, Y.; Faltyskova, Z.; Fernandes, D.; Ferry, M.; Harney, E.; de Knijff, P.; Michel, M.; Oppenheimer, J.; Stewardson, K.; Barclay, A.; Alt, K. W.; Liesau, C.; Ríos, P.; Blasco, C.; Miguel, J. V.; García, R. M.; Fernández, A. A.; Bánffy, E.; Bernabò-Brea, M.; Billoin, D.; Bonsall, C.; Bonsall, L.; Allen, T.; Büster, L.; Carver, S.; Navarro, L. C.; Craig, O. E.; Cook, G. T.; Cunliffe, B.; Denaire, A.; Dinwiddy, K. E.; Dodwell, N.; Ernée, M.; Evans, C.; Kuchařík, M.; Farré, J. F.; Fowler, C.; Gazenbeek, M.; Pena, R. G.; Haber-Uriarte, M.; Haduch, E.; Hey, G.; Jowett, N.; Knowles, T.; Massy, K.; Pfrengle, S.; Lefranc, P.; Lemercier, O.; Lefebvre, A.; Martínez, C. H.; Olmo, V. G.; Ramírez, A. B.; Maurandi, J. L.; Majó, T.; McKinley, J. I.; McSweeney, K.; Mende, B. G.; Mod, A.; Kulcsár, G.; Kiss, V.; Czene, A.; Patay, R.; Endrődi, A.; Köhler, K.; Hajdu, T.; Szeniczey, T.; Dani, J.; Bernert, Z.; Hoole, M.; Cheronet, O.; Keating, D.; Velemínský, P.; Dobeš, M.; Candilio, F.; Brown, F.; Fernández, R. F.; Herrero-Corral, A.-M.; Tusa, S.; Carnieri, E.; Lentini, L.; Valenti, A.; Zanini, A.; Waddington, C.; Delibes, G.; Guerra-Doce, E.; Neil, B.; Brittain, M.; Luke, M.; Mortimer, R.; Desideri, J.; Besse, M.; Brücken, G.; Furmanek, M.; Hałuszko, A.; Mackiewicz, M.; Rapiński, A.; Leach, S.; Soriano, I.; Lillios, K. T.; Cardoso, J. L.; Pearson, M. P.; Włodarczak, P.; Price, T. D.; Prieto, P.; Rey, P.-J.; Risch, R.; Guerra, R.; A., M.; Schmitt, A.; Serralongue, J.; Silva, A. M.; Smrčka, V.; Vergnaud, L.; Zilhão, J.; Caramelli, D.; Higham, T.; Thomas, M. G.; Kennett, D. J.; Fokkens, H.; Heyd, V.; Sheridan, A.; Sjögren, K.-G.; Stockhammer, P. W.; Krause, J.; Pinhasi, R.; Haak, W.; Barnes, I.; Lalueza-Fox, C.; Reich, D.: The Beaker phenomenon and the genomic transformation of northwest Europe. Nature 555 (7695), 25738, S. 190 - 196 (2018)
Gaunitz, C.; Fages, A.; Hanghøj, K.; Albrechtsen, A.; Khan, N.; Schubert, M.; Seguin-Orlando, A.; Owens, I. J.; Felkel, S.; Bignon-Lau, O. et al.; Barros Damgaard de, P.; Mittnik, A.; Mohaseb, A. F.; Davoudi, H.; Alquraishi, S.; Alfarhan, A. H.; Al-Rasheid, K. A. S.; Crubézy, E.; Benecke, N.; Olsen, S.; Brown, D.; Anthony, D.; Massy, K.; Pitulko, V.; Kasparov, A.; Brem, G.; Hofreiter, M.; Mukhtarova, G.; Baimukhanov, N.; Lõugas, L.; Onar, V.; Stockhammer, P. W.; Krause, J.; Boldgiv, B.; Undrakhbold, S.; Erdenebaatar, D.; Lepetz, S.; Mashkour, M.; Ludwig, A.; Wallner, B.; Merz, V.; Merz, I.; Zaibert, V.; Willerslev, E.; Librado, P.; Outram, A. K.; Orlando, L.: Ancient genomes revisit the ancestry of domestic and Przewalski’s horses. Science 360 (6384), S. 111 - 114 (2018)
Stockhammer, P. W.; Athanassov, B.: The Westhallstattkreis as spaces of contact. Tempo 24 (3), S. 621 - 633 (2018)
Stockhammer, P. W.: Late Helladic Imported Pottery at Tell eṣ-Ṣâfi/Gath. Near Eastern Archaeology 80 (4), S. 296 - 297 (2017)
Knipper, C.; Mittnik, A.; Massy, K.; Kociumaka, C.; Kucukkalipci, I.; Maus, M.; Wittenborn, F.; Metz, S. E.; Staskiewicz, A.; Krause, J. et al.; Stockhammer, P. W.: Female exogamy and gene pool diversification at the transition from the final neolithic to the early Bronze Age in central Europe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (38), S. 10083 - 10088 (2017)
Lazaridis, I.; Mittnik, A.; Patterson, N.; Mallick, S.; Rohland, N.; Pfrengle, S.; Furtwängler, A.; Peltzer, A.; Posth, C.; Vasilakis, A. et al.; McGeorge, P. J. P.; Konsolaki-Yannopoulou, E.; Korres, G.; Martlew, H.; Michalodimitrakis, M.; Özsait, M.; Özsait, N.; Papathanasiou, A.; Richards, M.; Roodenberg, S. A.; Tzedakis, Y.; Arnott, R.; Fernandes, D. M.; Hughey, J. R.; Lotakis, D. M.; Navas, P. A.; Maniatis, Y.; Stamatoyannopoulos, J. A.; Stewardson, K.; Stockhammer, P. W.; Pinhasi, R.; Reich, D.; Krause, J.; Stamatoyannopoulos, G.: Genetic origins of the Minoans and Mycenaeans. Nature 548 (7666), 23310, S. 212 - 218 (2017)
Andrades Valtueña, A.; Mittnik, A.; Key, F. M.; Haak, W.; Allmäe, R.; Belinskij, A.; Daubaras, M.; Feldman, M.; Jankauskas, R.; Janković, I. et al.; Massy, K.; Novak, M.; Pfrengle, S.; Reinhold, S.; Šlaus, M.; Spyrou, M. A.; Szécsényi-Nagy, A.; Tõrv, M.; Hansen, S.; Bos, K. I.; Stockhammer, P. W.; Herbig, A.; Krause, J.: The Stone Age plague and its persistence in Eurasia. Current Biology 27 (23), S. 3683 - 3691 (2017)

Buch (2)

Forberg, C.; Stockhammer, P. W. (Hg.): The transformative power of the copy: a transcultural and interdisciplinary approach. Heidelberg University Publishing, Heidelberg (2017), 407 S.
Stockhammer, P. W.: Appropriating innovations: entangled knowledge in Eurasia, 5000-1500 BCE. Oxbow Books, Oxford (2017), 296 S.

Buchkapitel (8)

Stockhammer, P. W.: Appropriation of effective and changing things. In: Engaging transculturality: concepts, key terms, case studies, 18, S. 264 - 276 (Hg. Abu-Er-Rub, L.; Brosius, C.; Meurer, S.; Panagiotopoulos, D.; Richter, S.). Routledge, Abington (2019)
Stockhammer, P. W.; Athanassov, B.: Conceptualizing contact zones and contact spaces: an archaeological perspective. In: Archaeology across frontiers and borderlands: Fragmentation and connectivity in the North Aegean and the Central Balkans from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age, S. 93 - 112 (Hg. Gimatzidis, S.; Pienia̢żek, M.; Mangaloğlu-Votruba, S.). Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien (2018)
Stockhammer, P. W.; Forberg, C.: Introduction: the Transformative power of the copy. In: The transformative power of the copy: a transcultural and interdisciplinary approach, 1, S. 1 - 17 (Hg. Forberg, C.; Stockhammer, P. W.). Heidelberg University Publishing, Heidelberg (2017)
Stockhammer, P. W.; Forberg, C.: The dawn of the copy in the Bronze Age. In: The transformative power of the copy: a transcultural and interdisciplinary approach, IV/1, S. 169 - 189 (Hg. Forberg, C.; Stockhammer, P. W.). Heidelberg University Publishing, Heidelberg (2017)
Maran, J.; Stockhammer, P. W.: Introduction: appropriating innovations. In: Appropriating innovations: entangled knowledge in Eurasia, 5000‒1500 BCE, 1, S. 1 - 3 (Hg. Maran, J.; Stockhammer, P. W.). Oxbow Books, Oxford (2017)
Massy, K.; Knipper, C.; Mittnik, A.; Kraus, S.; Pernicka, E.; Wittenborn, F.; Krause, J.; Stockhammer, P. W.: Patterns of transformation from the Final Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age: a case study from the Lech Valley South of Augsburg. In: Appropriating innovations: entangled knowledge in Eurasia, 5000‒1500 BCE, 20, S. 241 - 261 (Hg. Maran, J.; Stockhammer, P. W.). Oxbow Books, Oxford (2017)
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