Publikationen von James Blinkhorn

Zeitschriftenartikel (41)

Scerria, E. M.L.; Blinkhorn, J.; Niang, K.; Bateman, M. D.; Groucutta, H. S.: Persistence of Middle Stone Age technology to the Pleistocene/Holocene transition supports a complex hominin evolutionary scenario in West Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports (11), S. 639 - 646 (2017)

Buchkapitel (2)

Blinkhorn, J.; Niang, K.; Groucutt, H. S.; Scerri, E. M. L.: Ndiayène Pendao and the Lower Senegal Valley, Senegal. In: Handbook of Pleistocene Archaeology of Africa: Hominin behavior, geography, and chronology, 59, S. 929 - 939 (Hg. Beyin, A.; Wright, D. K.; Wilkins, J.; Olszewski, D. I.). Springer, Cham (2023)
Niang, K.; Blinkhorn, J.: Tiémassas, Senegal. In: Handbook of Pleistocene Archaeology of Africa: Hominin behavior, geography, and chronology, 60, S. 941 - 950 (Hg. Beyin, A.; Wright, D. K.; Wilkins, J.; Olszewski, D. I.). Springer, Cham (2023)

Forschungspapier (1)

Blinkhorn, J.; Achyuthan, H.; Jaiswal, M.; Singh, A. K.: The first dated evidence for Middle-Late Pleistocene fluvial activity in the central Thar Desert. Quaternary Science Reviews 250, 106656, S. 1 - 8 (2020), 8 S.

Sonstige (1)

Blinkhorn, J.; Zanolli, C.; Compton, T.; Groucutt, H. S.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Crete, L.; Stringer, C.; Petraglia, M. D.; Blockley, S.: Reply to: ‘No direct evidence for the presence of Nubian Levallois technology and its association with Neanderthals at Shukbah Cave’, Scientific Reports 12, (2022)

Rezension (3)

Blinkhorn, J.: A companion to south Asia in the past. Gwen Robbins Schug, Subhash R. Walimbe. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2016, 600 pp. ISNB 978-1-119-05548-8. $195 (hardback). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 163, S. 225 - 226 (2017)
Blinkhorn, J.: Zooarchaeology and field ecology: A photographic atlas. Jack M. Broughton and Shawn D. Miller. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2016, 224 pp. $40.00, paper. ISBN 978-1-60781-485-6. Journal of Anthropological Research 73 (3), S. 542 - 544 (2017)
Blinkhorn, J.: Revitalizing Indian archaeology: Further theoretical essays, 2 vols. K. Paddayya. New Delhi: Aryan Books International, 2016, 842 pp. ₨1,750.00, cloth. ISBN 978-81-7305-558-4. Journal of Anthropological Research 73 (3), S. 541 - 542 (2017)

Preprint (1)

Timbrell, L.; Blinkhorn, J.; Colucci, M.; Leonardi, M.; Chevalier, M.; Grove, M.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Manica, A.: More is not always better: downscaling climate model outputs from 30 to 5-minute resolution has minimal impact on coherence with Late Quaternary proxies. Climate of the Past, cp-2024-53 (2024)
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