Publikationen von Åshild J. Vågene

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Vågene, Å. J.; Honap, T. P.; Harkins, K. M.; Rosenberg, M. S.; Giffin, K.; Cárdenas-Arroyo, F.; Leguizamón, L. P.; Arnett, J.; Buikstra, J. E.; Herbig, A. et al.; Krause, J.; Stone, A. C.; Bos, K. I.: Geographically dispersed zoonotic tuberculosis in pre-contact South American human populations. Nature Communications 13 (1), 1195 (2022)
Posth, C.; Zaro, V.; Spyrou, M. A.; Vai, S.; Gnecchi Ruscone, G. A.; Modi, A.; Peltzer, A.; Mötsch, A.; Nägele, K.; Vågene, Å. J. et al.; Nelson, E. A.; Radzeviciute, R.; Freund, C.; Bondioli, L. M.; Cappuccini, L.; Frenzel, H.; Pacciani, E.; Boschin, F.; Capecchi, G.; Martini, I.; Moroni, A.; Ricci, S.; Sperduti, A.; Turchetti, M. A.; Riga, A.; Zavattaro, M.; Zifferero, A.; Heyne, H. O.; Fernández-Domínguez, E.; Kroonen, G. J.; McCormick, M.; Haak, W.; Lari, M.; Barbujani, G.; Bondioli, L.; Bos, K. I.; Caramelli, D.; Krause, J.: The origin and legacy of the Etruscans through a 2000-year archeogenomic time transect. Science Advances 7 (39), eabi7673, S. 1 - 13 (2021)
Key, F. M.; Posth, C.; Esquivel Gomez, L. R.; Hübler, R.; Spyrou, M. A.; Neumann, G. U.; Furtwängler, A.; Sabin, S.; Burri Promerová, M.; Wissgott, A. et al.; Lankapalli, A. K.; Vågene, Å. J.; Meyer, M.; Nagel, S.; Tukhbatova, R.; Khokhlov, A.; Chizhevsky, A.; Hansen, S.; Belinsky, A. B.; Kalmykov, A.; Kantorovich, A. R.; Maslov, V. E.; Stockhammer, P. W.; Vai, S.; Zavattaro, M.; Riga, A.; Caramelli, D.; Skeates, R.; Beckett, J.; Gradoli, M. G.; Steuri, N.; Hafner, A.; Ramstein, M.; Siebke, I.; Lösch, S.; Erdal, Y. S.; Alikhan, N.-F.; Zhou, Z.; Achtman, M.; Bos, K.; Reinhold, S.; Haak, W.; Kühnert, D.; Herbig, A.; Krause, J.: Emergence of human-adapted Salmonella enterica is linked to the Neolithization process. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (3), S. 324 - 333 (2020)
Mann, A.; Sabin, S.; Ziesemer, K.; Vågene, Å. J.; Schroeder, H.; Ozga, A. T.; Sankaranarayanan, K.; Hofman, C. A.; Fellows Yates, J. A.; Salazar-García, D. C. et al.; Frohlich, B.; Aldenderfer, M.; Hoogland, M.; Read, C.; Milner, G. R.; Stone, A. C.; Lewis, C. M.; Krause, J.; Hofman, C.; Bos, K. I.; Warinner, C. G.: Differential preservation of endogenous human and microbial DNA in dental calculus and dentin. Scientific Reports 8 (1), 9822 (2018)
Vågene, Å. J.; Herbig, A.; Campana, M. G.; García, R.; M., N.; Warinner, C.; Sabin, S.; Spyrou, M. A.; Andrades Valtueña, A.; Huson, D. et al.; Tuross, N.; Bos, K. I.; Krause, J.: Salmonella enterica genomes from victims of a major sixteenth-century epidemic in Mexico. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (3), S. 520 - 528 (2018)
Bos, K. I.; Jaeger, G.; Schuenemann, V. J.; Vågene, Å. J.; Spyrou, M. A.; Herbig, A.; Nieselt, K.; Krause, J.: Parallel detection of ancient pathogens via array-based DNA capture. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 370 (1660), 20130375, S. 1 - 5 (2015)

Buch (36)

Warinner, C.; Hendy, J. (Hg.): Kenajeiyetatsiri anta iyotakantayetirori pesatopee. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (2022), 28 S.
Warinner, C.; Hendy, J. (Hg.): Itech tayekojmej in nemilil wehjkawtamachtiltilmehj. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (2022), 15 S.
Warinner, C.; Hendy, J. (Hg.): Warasa wekamu ciencia Arqueológicanam. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (2022), 28 S.
Warinner, C.; Hendy, J. (Hg.): पुरातात्त्विक विज्ञान सँगको यात्रा = Purātāttvika vijñāna sam̐gakō yātrā. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (2018), 21 S.
Warinner, C.; Hendy, J. (Hg.): Przygody z nauką i archeologią. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (2018), 15 S.
Warinner, C.; Hendy, J. (Hg.): Huk niraq puriykuna ciencia arqueológica nisqapi. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (2018), 28 S.
Warinner, C.; Hendy, J. (Hg.): путешествие в мир археологии = puteshestviye v mir arkheologii. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (2018), 20 S.
Warinner, C.; Hendy, J. (Hg.): གནའ་རྫས་རྟོག་ཞིབ་ཀྱི་ཚན་ རིག་ལ་མྱོང་འཚོལ་བྱེད་། = na dzé tok zhip kyi tsen rik la nyong tsöl jé. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (2018), 15 S.
Warinner, C.; Hendy, J. (Hg.): Aventuras en la ciencia arqueológica. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (2017), 21 S.
Warinner, C.; Hendy, J. (Hg.): Adventures in archaeological science. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (2017), 15 S.
Warinner, C.; Hendy, J. (Hg.): مغامرات في علم الآثار. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (2017), 15 S.
Warinner, C.; Hendy, J. (Hg.): Avanture arheologije. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (2017), 15 S.
Warinner, C.; Hendy, J. (Hg.): Aventuras na arqueologia. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (2017), 15 S.
Warinner, C.; Hendy, J. (Hg.): Адал ябадалта археологи: Шердэдэг ном. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena (2017), 24 S.
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