Publikationen von Mary Lucas

Zeitschriftenartikel (36)

Heddell-Stevens, P.; Barakat, S.; Pastoors, A.; Lucas, M.; Scott, E.; Le Roux, P.; Roberts, P.: Spatial palaeoecology of large-herbivore hominin prey-species at Salzgitter-Lebenstedt, Lower Saxony, Germany: multi-isotope analysis of sequentially-sampled tooth enamel from Rangifer tarandus and Equus sp. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 3, 1458040 (2024)
Sekhar Chakraborty, K.; Bestel, S.; Lucas, M.; Roberts, P.; Shirvalkar, P.; Rawat, Y.; Larsen, T.; Miller, H. M.-L.: To waste or not to waste: a multi-proxy analysis of human-waste interaction and rural waste management in Indus Era Gujarat. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 16 (9), 141, S. 1 - 22 (2024)
Gaffney, D.; Tanudirjo, D. A.; Djami, E. N. I.; Mas’ud, Z.; Macap, A. R.; Russell, T.; Dailom, M.; Ray, Y.; Higham, T.; Bradshaw, F. et al.; Petchey, F.; Florin, S. A.; Roberts, P.; Lucas, M.; Tromp, M.; Greig, K.; Xhauflair, H.; Montenegro, A.; Hall, R.; Boulanger, C.; Ono, R.; Oertle, A.; Scholz, D.; Spitzer, M.; Szabo, K.; Bertelli, I.; Ribechini, E.; Haberle, S.: Human dispersal and plant processing in the Pacific 55,000–50,000 years ago. Antiquity 98 (400), 83, S. 885 - 904 (2024)
Gur-Arieh, S.; Eisenmann, S.; Henry, A. G.; Lucas, M.; Lenz, D.; Paxinos, P.; Weber, H.; Morandi, L. F.; Stone, J. R.; Schultz, M. et al.; Roberts, P.; Stockhammer, P. W.: Reconstructing dietary practices at Tell Kamid el-Loz (Lebanon) during the Bronze and Iron Age III / Persian to Hellenistic periods using plant micro-remains from dental calculus and stable isotope analysis of bone collagen. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 16 (8), 127 (2024)
Barquera, R.; Del Castillo-Chávez, O.; Nägele, K.; Pérez-Ramallo, P.; Hernández-Zaragoza, D. I.; Szolek, A.; Rohrlach, A. B.; Librado, P.; Childebayeva, A.; Bianco, R. A. et al.; Penman, B. S.; Acuña-Alonzo, V.; Lucas, M.; Lara-Riegos, J. C.; Moo-Mezeta, M. E.; Torres-Romero, J. C.; Roberts, P.; Kohlbacher, O.; Warinner, C.; Krause, J.: Ancient genomes reveal insights into ritual life at Chichén Itzá. Nature 630, s41586-024-07509-7, S. 912 - 919 (2024)
Hixon, S.; Roberts, P.; Rodríguez-Varela, R.; Götherström, A.; Rossoni-Notter, E.; Notter, O.; Raimondeau, P.; Besnard, G.; Paust, E.; Lucas, M. et al.; Lagia, A.; Fernandes, R.: Expedient Bayesian prediction of subfossil bone protein content using portable ATR-FTIR data. Quaternary International 694, 2024.05.002, S. 1 - 12 (2024)
Ciesielska, J. A.; Le Roux, P.; Scott, E.; Lucas, M.; Roberts, P.: Isotopic evidence for socio-economic dynamics within the capital of the Kingdom of Alwa, Sudan. African Archaeological Review 41 (2), s10437-024-09579-4, S. 271 - 291 (2024)
Boulanger, C.; Roberts, P.; Lucas, M.; Ingicco, T.; O’Connor, S.; Ono, R.; Sémah, A.-M.: Stable isotope variation in East and Southeast Asian marine ecosystems and its relevance for archaeological analysis. Environmental archaeology: the journal of human palaeoecology, 2352666 (2024)
Riccomi, G.; Simonit, R.; Maudet, S.; Scott, E.; Lucas, M.; Giuffra, V.; Roberts, P.: Diets, stress, and disease in the Etruscan society: isotope analysis and infantile skeletal palaeopathology from Pontecagnano (Campania, southern Italy, 730–580 BCE). PLOS ONE 19 (5), e0302334 (2024)
Heddell Stevens, P.; Jöris, O.; Britton, K.; Matthies, T.; Lucas, M.; Scott, E.; Le Roux, P.; Meller, H.; Roberts, P.: Multi-isotope reconstruction of Late Pleistocene large-herbivore biogeography and mobility patterns in Central Europe. Communications Biology 7 (1), 568 (2024)
Pérez-Ramallo, P.; Rissech, C.; Lloveras, L.; Lucas, M.; Urbina, D.; Urquijo, C.; Roberts, P.: Unravelling social status in the first medieval military order of the Iberian Peninsula using isotope analysis. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 11074 (2024)
García-Escárzaga, A.; Gutiérrez-Zugasti, I.; Arniz-Mateos, R.; Cuenca-Solana, D.; González-Morales, M. R.; Ilgner, J.; Lucas, M.; Colonese, A. C.; Roberts, P.: Seasonal exploitation of intertidal resources at El Mazo (N Iberia) reveals optimized human subsistence strategies during the Mesolithic in Atlantic Europe. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 16 (5), 76, S. 1 - 16 (2024)
Shoaee, M. J.; Vahdati Nasab, H.; Storozum, M.; Frenzel, P.; Akhavan Kharazian, M.; Fernandes, R.; Hashemi, S. M.; Jayez, M.; Amano, N.; Marzban Abbasabadi, B. et al.; Aalipoor, M.; Lucas, M.; Marzo, S.; Ilgner, J.; Patalano, R.; Roberts, P.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M.: Initial upper paleolithic in the Zagros Mountains. Frontiers in Earth Science 12, 1352099 (2024)
Antonosyan, M.; Roberts, P.; Aspaturyan, N.; Mkrtchyan, S.; Lucas, M.; Boxleitner, K.; Jabbour, F.; Hovhannisyan, A.; Cieślik, A.; Sahakyan, L. et al.; Avagyan, A.; Spengler, R.; Kandel, A. W.; Petraglia, M.; Boivin, N.; Yepiskoposyan, L.; Amano, N.: Multiproxy evidence for environmental stability in the lesser caucasus during the late pleistocene. Quaternary Science Reviews 330, 108559, S. 1 - 22 (2024)
Joka, K.; Hixon, S.; Lucas, M.; Wachtel, I.; Davidovich, U.; Gonzaga Santesteban, L.; Roberts, P.: Exploring the potential of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of perennial plants from archaeological sites: a case study of olive pits and grape pips from Early Bronze Age Qedesh in the Galilee. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 54, 104410, S. 1 - 8 (2024)
Orfanou, E.; Zach, B.; Rohrlach, A. B.; Schneider, F. N.; Paust, E.; Lucas, M.; Hermes, T.; Ilgner, J.; Scott, E.; Ettel, P. et al.; Haak, W.; Spengler, R.; Roberts, P.: Biomolecular evidence for changing millet reliance in Late Bronze Age central Germany. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 4382 (2024)
Zhang, Y.; Westaway, K. E.; Haberle, S.; Lubeek, J. K.; Bailey, M.; Ciochon, R.; Morley, M. W.; Roberts, P.; Zhao, J.-x.; Duval, M. et al.; Dosseto, A.; Pan, Y.; Rule, S.; Liao, W.; Gully, G. A.; Lucas, M.; Mo, J.; Yang, L.; Cai, Y.; Wang, W.; Joannes-Boyau, R.: The demise of the giant ape Gigantopithecus blacki. Nature 625 (7995), s41586-023-06900-0, S. 535 - 539 (2024)
Hawkins, S.; Zetika, G. A.; Kinaston, R.; Firmando, Y. R.; Sari, D. M.; Suniarti, Y.; Lucas, M.; Roberts, P.; Reepmeyer, C.; Maloney, T. et al.; Kealy, S.; Stirling, C.; Reid, M.; Barr, D.; Kleffmann, T.; Kumar, A.; Yuwono, P.; Litster, M.; Husni, M.; Ririmasse, M.; Ita, M.; Mujabuddawat, M.; Harriyadi, H.; O'Connor, S.: Earliest known funerary rites in Wallacea after the last glacial maximum. Scientific Reports 14, 282 (2024)
Ciesielska, J. A.; Stark, R. J.; Obłuski, A.; Boivin, N. L.; Lucas, M.; Le Roux, P.; Roberts, P.: Multi-isotopic investigation of population dynamics and mobility among rural medieval Christian communities at Ghazali, Northern Sudan. Journal of African archaeology 21 (2), 10028, S. 131 - 153 (2023)
Taylor, W. T. T.; Belardi, J. B.; Barberena, R.; Coltrain, J. B.; Marina, F. C.; Borrero, L. A.; Conver, J. L.; Hodgins, G.; Admiraal, M.; Craig, O. E. et al.; Lucquin, A.; Talbot, H. M.; Lundy, J.; Liu, X.; Chauvey, L.; Schiavinato, S.; Seguin-Orlando, A.; Le Roux, P.; Lucas, M.; Orlando, L.; Roberts, P.; Jones, E. L.: Interdisciplinary evidence for early domestic horse exploitation in southern Patagonia. Science Advances 9 (49), eadk5201 (2023)
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