Zeitschriftenartikel (66)

Davis, D. S.; Rasolondrainy, T.; Manahira, G.; Hixon, S.; Andriankaja, V.; Hubertine, L.; Justome, R.; Lahiniriko, F.; Léonce, H.; Roi, R. et al.; Victorian, F.; Clovis, M. B. J.; Voahirana, V.; Carina, T. L.; Yve, A. J.; Chrisostome, Z. M.; Manjakahery, B.; Douglass, K.: Social networks as risk-mitigation strategies in south-west Madagascar. Antiquity 97 (395), 2023.123, S. 1296 - 1312 (2023)
Nascimento, M. d. N.; McMichael, C. N.H.; Kleijwegt, Z.; Åkesson, C.; Gredal, C.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Bush, M. B.; Gosling, W. D.: Fire in the clouds: how changing land use shaped an Andean biodiversity hotspot. Quaternary Science Reviews 317, 108278, S. 1 - 7 (2023)
Wang, X.; Zhang, B.; Sun, Y.; Ingman, T.; Eisenmann, S.; Lucas, M.; Scott, E.; Ilgner, J.; Wu, G.; le Roux, P. et al.; Wu, X.; Zhang, X.; Fan, A.; Roberts, P.; Stockhammer, P. W.: Isotopic and proteomic evidence for communal stability at Pre-Pottery Neolithic Jericho in the Southern Levant. Scientific Reports 13 (1), 16360 (2023)
King, C. L.; Buckley, H. R.; Petchey, P.; Kinaston, R.; Millard, A. R.; Nowell, G.; Roberts, P.; Ilgner, J.; Gröcke, D. R.: Seeking their fortunes on the Otago goldfields, New Zealand: constructing isotopic biographies of colonial goldminers. Journal of Archaeological Science 157, 105836, S. 1 - 12 (2023)
van der Sande, M. T.; Bush, M. B.; Åkesson, C. M.; Berrio, J. C.; Correia Metrio, A.; Flantua, S. G. A.; Hooghiemstra, H.; Maezumi, S. Y.; McMichael, C. N. H.; Montoya, E. et al.; Mosblech, N. A. S.; de Novaes Nascimento, M.; Peña-Claros, M.; Poorter, L.; Raczka, M. F.; Gosling, W. D.: Warming, drought, and disturbances lead to shifts in functional composition: a millennial-scale analysis for Amazonian and Andean sites. Global Change Biology 29 (17), 16818, S. 4775 - 4792 (2023)
Wertmann, P.; Yibulayinmu, M.; Wagner, M.; Taylor, C.; Müller, S.; Xu, D.; Elkina, I.; Leipe, C.; Deng, Y.; Tarasov, P. E.: The earliest directly dated saddle for horse-riding from a mid-1st millennium BCE female burial in Northwest China. Archaeological Research in Asia 35, 100451, S. 1 - 16 (2023)
Huber, B.; Hammann, S.; Loeben, C. E.; Jha, D.; Giddings Vassão, D.; Larsen, T.; Spengler III, R. N.; Fuller, D. Q.; Roberts, P.; Devièse, T. et al.; Boivin, N. L.: Biomolecular characterization of 3500-year-old ancient Egyptian mummification balms from the Valley of the Kings. Scientific Reports 13 (1), 12477 (2023)
Wilkin, S.; Hommel, P.; Ventresca Miller, A.; Boivin, N. L.; Pedergnana, A.; Shishlina, N.; Trifonov, V.: Curated cauldrons: preserved proteins from early copper-alloy vessels illuminate feasting practices in the Caucasian steppe. iScience, 107482 (2023)
Mir Makhamad, B.; Stark, S.; Mirzaakhmedov, S.; Rahmonov, H.; Spengler III, R. N.: Food globalization in southern Central Asia: archaeobotany at Bukhara between antiquity and the Middle Ages. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 15 (8), 124, S. 1 - 18 (2023)
Sun, R.; Hong, B.; Reichelt, M.; Luck, K.; Mai, D. T.; Jiang, X.; Gershenzon, J.; Giddings Vassão, D.: Metabolism of plant-derived toxins from its insect host increases the success of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. The ISME Journal, s41396-023-01480-3 (2023)
Fiedler, S.; Langner, M.; Oertel, R.; Giddings Vassão, D.; Nitschke, J.; Gershenzon, J.; Hundsdoerfer, A. K.: First insights into herbivore-plant interaction of the spurge hawkmoth and Euphorbia cyparissias. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, 1197194 (2023)
Du, J.; Zhu, Z.; Dong, J.; Lu, Z.; Zhao, X.; Yang, J.: Exploring purification methods to improve retrieval of collagenous binder residues from archeological murals. Journal of cultural heritage 62, 024, S. 134 - 142 (2023)
Murton, J.; Opel, T.; Wetterich, S.; Ashastina, K.; Savvinov, G.; Danilov, P.; Boeskorov, V.: Batagay megaslump: a review of the permafrost deposits, quaternary environmental history, and recent development. Permafrost and periglacial processes 34 (3), 2194, S. 399 - 416 (2023)
Villaseñor, A.; Uno, K. T.; Kinyanjui, R.; Behrensmeyer, A. K.; Bobe, R.; Advokaat, E. L.; Bamford, M.; Carvalho, S. C.; Hammond, A. S.; Palcu, D. V. et al.; Sier, M. J.; Ward, C. V.; Braun, D. R.: Pliocene hominins from East Turkana were associated with mesic environments in a semiarid basin. Journal of Human Evolution 180, 103385, S. 1 - 19 (2023)
Shnaider, S.; Zhilich, S. V.; Zotkina, L. V.; Boxleitner, K.; Taylor, W. T.T.; Sayfullaev, N.; Koval, V. V.; Baranova, S. V.; Chernonosov, A. A.; Kutnyakova, L. A. et al.; Tonasso-Calvière, L.; Orlando, L.; Spengler, R.: Occupation of highland Central Asia: new evidence from Kurteke rockshelter, Eastern Pamir. Archaeological Research in Asia 34, 100443, S. 1 - 11 (2023)
Spengler III, R. N.; Kienast, F.; Roberts, P.; Boivin, N. L.; Begun, D. R.; Ashastina, K.; Petraglia, M.: Bearing fruit: Miocene Apes and Rosaceous Fruit evolution. Biological theory 18 (2), s13752-022-00413-1, S. 134 - 151 (2023)
Mir-Makhamad, B.; Spengler, R. N.: Testing the applicability of Watson’s Green Revolution concept in first millennium ce Central Asia. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, s00334-023-00924-2 (2023)
Hudson, M.; Muñoz Fernández, I. M.: Bronze Fish: marine resources and the Bronze Age economy. Old world: journal of ancient Africa and Eurasia 3 (1), 20230006 (2023)
Amano, N.; Wedage, O.; Ilgner, J.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M.; Roberts, P.: Of forests and grasslands: human, primate, and ungulate palaeoecology in Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sri Lanka. Frontiers in Earth Science 11, 1133281 (2023)
Wang, Y.; Larsen, T.; Lebrato, M.; Tseng, L.-C.; Lee, P.-W.; Sánchez, N.; Molinero, J.-C.; Hwang, J.-S.; Chan, T.-Y.; Garbe-Schönberg, D.: Foraging under extreme events: contrasting adaptations by benthic macrofauna to drastic biogeochemical disturbance. Functional Ecology 37 (5), 14312, S. 1390 - 1406 (2023)
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