
Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

Patalano, R.; Hu, J.; Leng, Q.; Liu, W.; Wang, H.; Roberts, P.; Storozum, M.; Yang, L.; Yang, H.: Ancient Great Wall building materials reveal environmental changes associated with oases in northwestern China. Scientific Reports 12 (1), 22517 (2022)
Vaezi, A.; Routh, J.; Djamali, M.; Gurjazkaite, K.; Tavakoli, V.; Beni, A. N.; Roberts, P.: New multi-proxy record shows potential impacts of precipitation on the rise and ebb of Bronze Age and imperial Persian societies in southeastern Iran. Quaternary Science Reviews 298, 107855, S. 1 - 12 (2022)
Hixon, S.; Domic, A. I.; Douglass, K. G.; Roberts, P.; Eccles, L.; Buckley, M.; Ivory, S.; Noe, S.; Kennett, D. J.: Cutmarked bone of drought-tolerant extinct megafauna deposited with traces of fire, human foraging, and introduced animals in SW Madagascar. Scientific Reports 12 (1), 18504 (2022)
Roberts, P.; Stock, J.; Kulatilake, S.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M. D.; Deraniyagala, S.; Perera, N.: From forests to the coast: multidisciplinary investigation of human adaptations at the Mini-athiliya Shell Midden, Sri Lanka. Ancient Lanka 1, 650 (2022)
Pérez-Ramallo, P.; Grandal-d´Anglade, A.; Organista, E.; Santos, E.; Chivall, D.; Rodríguez-Varela, R.; Götherström, A.; Etxeberria, F.; Ilgner, J.; Fernandes, R. et al.; Arsuaga, J. L.; Le Roux, P.; Higham, T.; Beaumont, J.; Koon, H.; Roberts, P.: Multi-isotopic study of the earliest mediaeval inhabitants of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14 (11), 214, S. 1 - 28 (2022)
Haponava, V.; Kots, A.; Lucas, M.; Both, M.; Roberts, P.: Medieval and early modern diets in the Polack region of Belarus: A stable isotope perspective. PLoS One 17 (10), e0275758 (2022)
Billings, T.; Cerasetti, B.; Forni, L.; Arciero, R.; Dal Martello, R.; Carra, M.; Rouse, L. M.; Boivin, N.; Spengler, R. N.: Agriculture in the Karakum: an archaeobotanical analysis from Togolok 1, southern Turkmenistan (ca. 2300–1700 B.C.). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 995490 (2022)
Silva, F.; Coward, F.; Davies, K.; Elliott, S.; Jenkins, E.; Newton, A. C.; Riris, P.; Vander Linden, M.; Bates, J.; Cantarello, E. et al.; Contreras, D. A.; Crabtree, S. A.; Crema, E. R.; Edwards, M.; Filatova, T.; Fitzhugh, B.; Fluck, H.; Freeman, J.; Klein Goldewijk, K.; Krzyzanska, M.; Lawrence, D.; Mackay, H.; Madella, M.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Marchant, R.; Monsarrat, S.; Morrison, K. D.; Rabett, R.; Roberts, P.; Saqalli, M.; Stafford, R.; Svenning, J.-C.; Whithouse, N. J.; Williams, A.: Developing transdisciplinary approaches to sustainability challenges: the need to model socio-environmental systems in the Longue Durée. Sustainability 14 (16), 10234 (2022)
Stewart, M.; Carleton, W. C.; Groucutt, H. S.: Reply to: Accurate population proxies do not exist between 11.7 and 15 ka in North America. Nature Communications 13 (1), 4693 (2022)
Müller, L. M.; Kipnis, R.; Ferreira, M. P.; Marzo, S.; Fiedler, B.; Lucas, M.; Ilgner, J.; Silva, H. P.; Roberts, P.: Late Holocene dietary and cultural variability on the Xingu River, Amazon Basin: a stable isotopic approach. PLoS One 17 (8), 0271545 (2022)
Fisher, M.: Intrasite Variability and Changing Social Practices during the Ubaid-Late Chalcolithic Transition at Tell Zeidan, Syria. Paléorient 48 (1), 1614, S. 73 - 97 (2022)

Datenpublikation (1)

Goldstein, S.; Hixon, S.; Scott, E.; Wolfhagen, J.; Iminjili, V.; Janzen, A.; Chritz, K.; Sawchuk, E.; Ndiema, E.; Sealy, J. C. et al.; Stone, A.; Zoeller, G.; Phelps, L. N.; Fernandes, R.: Presenting the AfriArch isotopic database. (2022)

Preprint (2)

Fisher, M. T.; Jurkenas, D.; Jambajantsan, A.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Nasan-Ochir, E.-O.; Gelegdorj, E.; Chuluunbat, M.; Petraglia, M.; Boivin, N. L.: Multidisciplinary digital methodologies for documentation and preservation of immovable Archaeological heritage in the Khovd River Valley, Western Mongolia. F1000Research 11, 1250 (2022)
Robbeets, M.; Hudson, M.; Ning, C.; Bouckaert, R.; Savelyev, A.; Kim, G.; Li, T.; Oskolskaya, S.; Gruntov, I.; Mazo, O. et al.; Rhee, S.; Ahn, K.-D.; Fernandes, R.; Shinoda, K.-i.; Kanzawa-Kiriyama, H.; Bjorn, R.; Deng, B.; An, D.-i.; Bentley, J.; Kawashima, T.; Dolińska, J.: Triangulation reduces the polygon of error for the history of Transeurasian. bioRxiv, 510045 (2022)
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