Veröffentlichungen der PS&H-Gruppe

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Luelmo-Lautenschlaeger, R.; Izdebski, A.; Blanco-González, A.; Pérez-Díaz, S.; López-Sáez, J. A.: La peste negra bajomedieval (1348-1351 AD) en el valle del Tiétar (sierra de Gredos, Ávila): aspectos económicos y paleoambientales. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles 89, 3089, S. 1 - 33 (2021)
Degroot, D.; Anchukaitis, K.; Bauch, M.; Burnham, J.; Carnegy, F.; Cui, J.; de Luna, K.; Guzowski, P.; Hambrecht, G.; Huhtamaa, H. et al.; Izdebski, A.; Kleemann, K.; Moesswilde, E.; Neupane, N.; Newfield, T.; Pei, Q.; Xoplaki, E.; Zappia, N.: Towards a rigorous understanding of societal responses to climate change. Nature 591 (7851), s41586-021-03190-2, S. 539 - 550 (2021)
Zanchetta, G.; Bini, M.; Bloomfield, K.; Izdebski, A.; Vivoli, N.; Regattieri, E.; Isola, I.; Drysdale, R. N.; Bajo, P.; Hellstrom, J. C. et al.; Wiśniewski, R.; Fallick, A. E.; Natali, S.; Luppichini, M.: Beyond one-way determinism: San Frediano’s miracle and climate change in Central and Northern Italy in late antiquity. Climatic Change 165 (1), 25, S. 1 - 21 (2021)
Luelmo-Lautenschlaeger, R.; Izdebski, A.; Blanco-González, A.; Pérez-Díaz, S.; López-Sáez, J. A.: Historia paleoambiental de la Sierra de Gredos (Sistema Central español, Ávila) en época visigoda: incidencia de la plaga de Justiniano (541-543 A. D.). Arqueología Iberoamericana 47, 4558650, S. 78 - 90 (2021)

Buchkapitel (6)

Haldon, J.; Binois-Roman, A.; Eisenberg, M.; Izdebski, A.; Mordechai, L.; Newfield, T.; Slavin, P.; White, S.; Wnęk, K.: Between resilience and adaptation: a historical framework for understanding stability and transformation of societies to shocks and stress. In: COVID-19: Systemic Risk and Resilience, 14, 1st Aufl., S. 235 - 268 (Hg. Linkov, I.; Keenan, J. M.; Trump, B. D.). Springer, Cham (2021)
Izdebski, A.: Persian Christians in Late Antiquity. In: Monks and the hierarchical church in Egypt and the Levant during late antiquity, Chapter five, S. 415 - 457. Peeters, Leuven ; Paris ; Bristol, CT (2021)
Izdebski, A.; Szmytka, R.: Introduction: environmental history and Krakow. In: Krakow: an ecobiography, S. 3 - 21 (Hg. Izdebski, A.; Szmytka, R.). University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittdburgh, Pa (2021)
Izdebski, A.; Wnęk, K.: The history of Krakow smog. In: Krakow: an ecobiography, Chapter 7, S. 147 - 160 (Hg. Izdebski, A.; Szmytka, R.). University of Pittsburgh Press (2021)
Wnęk, K.; Izdebski, A.; Kowanetz, L.: The climate history of Krakow. In: Krakow: an ecobiography, Chapter 1, S. 22 - 42 (Hg. Izdebski, A.; Szmytka, R.). University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburg, Pa (2021)
Xoplaki, E.; Luterbacher, J.; Luther, N.; Behr, L.; Wagner, S.; Jungclaus, J.; Zorita, E.; Toreti, A.; Fleitmann, D.; Izdebski, A. et al.; Bloomfield, K.: Hydrological Changes in Late Antiquity: Spatio-Temporal Characteristics and Socio-Economic Impacts in the Eastern Mediterranean. In: Climate Change and Ancient Societies in Europe and the Near East: Diversity in Collapse and Resilience, 1 Aufl., S. 533 - 560 (Hg. Erdkamp, P.; Manning, J. G.; Verboven, K.). Springer International Publishing, Cham (2021)
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