Human Palaeosystems – Forschungsgruppe

Publikationen von Heidi Colleran

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Mulder, M. B.; Towner, M. C.; Baldini, R.; Beheim, B. A.; Bowles, S.; Colleran, H.; Gurven, M.; Kramer, K. L.; Mattison, S. M.; Nolin, D. A. et al.; Scelza, B. A.; Schniter, E.; Sear, R.; Shenk, M. K.; Voland, E.; Ziker, J.: Differences between sons and daughters in the intergenerational transmission of wealth. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 374 (1780), 20180076 (2019)
Posth, C.; Nägele, K.; Colleran, H.; Valentin, F.; Bedford, S.; Gray, R. D.; Krause, J.; Powell, A.: Response to “Ancient DNA and its contribution to understanding the human history of the Pacific Islands” (Bedford et al. 2018). Archaeology in Oceania 54, S. 57 - 61 (2019)
Greenbaum, G.; Fogarty, L.; Colleran, H.; Berger-Tal, O.; Kolodny, O.; Creanza, N.: Are both necessity and opportunity the mothers of innovations? Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42, e199 (2019)
Ross, C. T.; Borgerhoff Mulder, M.; Oh, S.-Y.; Bowles, S.; Beheim, B.; Bunce, J.; Caudell, M.; Clark, G.; Colleran, H.; Cortez, C. et al.; Draper, P.; Greaves, R. D.; Gurven, M.; Headland, T.; Headland, J.; Hill, K.; Hewlett, B.; Kaplan, H. S.; Koster, J.; Kramer, K.; Marlowe, F.; McElreath, R.; Nolin, D.; Quinlan, M.; Quinlan, R.; Revilla-Minaya, C.; Scelza, B.; Schacht, R.; Shenk, M.; Uehara, R.; Voland, E.; Willf{ü}hr, K.; Winterhalder, B.; Ziker, J.: Greater wealth inequality, less polygyny: rethinking the polygyny threshold model. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 15 (144), 20180035 (2018)
Colleran, H.; Snopkowski, K.: Variation in wealth and educational drivers of fertility decline across 45 countries. Population Ecology 60 (1-2), S. 155 - 169 (2018)
Posth, C.; Nägele, K.; Colleran, H.; Valentin, F.; Bedford, S.; Kami, K. W.; Shing, R.; Buckley, H.; Kinaston, R.; Walworth, M. et al.; Clark, G. R.; Reepmeyer, C.; Flexner, J.; Maric, T.; Moser, J.; Gresky, J.; Kiko, L.; Robson, K. J.; Auckland, K.; Oppenheimer, S. J.; Hill, A. V. S.; Mentzer, A. J.; Zech, J.; Petchey, F.; Roberts, P.; Jeong, C.; Gray, R. D.; Krause, J.; Powell, A.: Language continuity despite population replacement in Remote Oceania. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (4), S. 731 - 740 (2018)
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