Human Palaeosystems – Forschungsgruppe

Publikationen von Rebecca Hamilton

Zeitschriftenartikel (14)

Findley, D. M.; Amano, N.; Biong, I.; Bankoff, G.; Dacudao, P. I.; Gealogo, F.; Hamilton, R.; Pagunsan, R.; Roberts, P.: Colonial policy, ecological transformations, and agricultural “improvement”: comparing agricultural yields and expansion in the Spanish and U.S. Philippines, 1870–1925 CE. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11 (1), 839 (2024)
Sayedi, S. S.; Abbott, B. W.; Vannière, B.; Leys, B.; Colombaroli, D.; Romera, G. G.; Słowiński, M.; Aleman, J. C.; Blarquez, O.; Feurdean, A. et al.; Brown, K.; Aakala, T.; Alenius, T.; Allen, K.; Andric, M.; Bergeron, Y.; Biagioni, S.; Bradshaw, R.; Bremond, L.; Brisset, E.; Brooks, J.; Brugger, S. O.; Brussel, T.; Cadd, H.; Cagliero, E.; Carcaillet, C.; Carter, V.; Catry, F. X.; Champreux, A.; Chaste, E.; Chavardès, R. D.; Chipman, M.; Conedera, M.; Connor, S.; Constantine, M.; Mustaphi, C. C.; Dabengwa, A. N.; Daniels, W.; Boer, E. D.; Dietze, E.; Estrany, J.; Fernandes, P.; Finsinger, W.; Flantua, S. G. A.; Fox-Hughes, P.; Gaboriau, D. M.; M.Gayo, E.; Girardin, M. P.; Glenn, J.; Glückler, R.; González-Arango, C.; Groves, M.; Hamilton, D. S.; Hamilton, R. J.; Hantson, S.; Hapsari, K. A.; Hardiman, M.; Hawthorne, D.; Hoffman, K.; Inoue, J.; Karp, A. T.; Krebs, P.; Kulkarni, C.; Kuosmanen, N.; Lacourse, T.; Ledru, M.-P.; Lestienne, M.; Long, C.; López-Sáez, J. A.; Loughlin, N.; Niklasson, M.; Madrigal, J.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Marcisz, K.; Mariani, M.; McWethy, D.; Meyer, G.; Molinari, C.; Montoya, E.; Mooney, S.; Morales-Molino, C.; Morris, J.; Moss, P.; Oliveras, I.; Pereira, J. M.; Pezzatti, G. B.; Pickarski, N.; Pini, R.; Rehn, E.; Remy, C. C.; Revelles, J.; Rius, D.; Robin, V.; Ruan, Y.; Rudaya, N.; Russell-Smith, J.; Seppä, H.; Shumilovskikh, L.; T.Sommers, W.; Tavşanoğlu, Ç.; Umbanhowar, C.; Urquiaga, E.; Urrego, D.; Vachula, R. S.; Wallenius, T.; You, C.; Daniau, A.-L.: Assessing changes in global fire regimes. Fire ecology 20, 18 (2024)
Hamilton, R.; Amano, N.; Bradshaw, C. J. A.; Saltré, F.; Patalano, R.; Penny, D.; Stevenson, J.; Wolfhagen, J.; Roberts, P.: Forest mosaics, not savanna corridors, dominated in Southeast Asia during the Last Glacial Maximum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (1), e2311280120, S. 1 - 8 (2024)
Hamilton, R.; Gillespie, J.; Penny, D.; Ingrey, S.; Mooney, S.: Re-imagining Sydney’s freshwater wetlands through historical ecology. Landscape research 49 (2), 2271421, S. 268 - 286 (2024)
Roberts, P.; Carleton, W. C.; Amano, N.; Findley, D. M.; Hamilton, R.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Winkelmann, R.; Laubichler, M. D.; Renn, J.: Using urban pasts to speak to urban presents in the Anthropocene. Nature cities 1 (1), s44284-023-00014-4, S. 30 - 41 (2024)
Roberts, P.; Hixon, S.; Hamilton, R. J.; Lucas, M.; Ilgner, J.; Marzo, S.; Hawkins, S.; Luu, S.; Gosden, C.; Spriggs, M. et al.; Summerhayes, G.: Assessing Pleistocene–Holocene climatic and environmental change in insular Near Oceania using stable isotope analysis of archaeological fauna. Journal of Quaternary Science 38 (8), 3555, S. 1267 - 1278 (2023)
Roberts, P.; Kaplan, J.; Findley, D. M.; Hamilton, R. J.; Caetano Andrade, V. L.; Amano, N.; Kay, A.; Renn, J.; Winkelmann, R.: Mapping our reliance on the tropics can reveal the roots of the Anthropocene. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, s41559-023-01998-x, S. 632 - 636 (2023)
Zhang, J.; Storozum, M. J.; Chen, W.; Rao, Z.; Hamilton, R.; Zheng, Z.; Chen, Z.; Yu, X.; Xia, Z.: Climatic shifts, geomorphic change, ancient routes of migration and adaption in southwestern China: site formation processes at Luojiaba, Sichuan Province. GEOARCHAEOLOGY-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 38 (3), 21950, S. 351 - 370 (2023)
Roberts, P.; Douka, K.; Tromp, M.; Bedford, S.; Hawkins, S.; Bouffandeau, L.; Ilgner, J.; Lucas, M.; Marzo, S.; Hamilton, R. J. et al.; Ambrose, W.; Bulbeck, D.; Luu, S.; Shing, R.; Gosden, C.; Summerhayes, G.; Spriggs, M.: Fossils, fish and tropical forests: prehistoric human adaptations on the island frontiers of Oceania. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 377 (1849), 20200495, S. 1 - 13 (2022)
Findley, D. M.; Acabado, S.; Amano, N.; Kay, A. U.; Hamilton, R. J.; Barretto-Tesoro, G.; Bankoff, G.; Kaplan, J. O.; Roberts, P.: Land use change in a pericolonial society: intensification and diversification in Ifugao, Philippines between 1570 and 1800 CE. Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 680926 (2022)
Patalano, R.; Hamilton, R. J.; Finestone, E.; Amano, N.; Heddell Stevens, P.; Itambu, M.; Petraglia, M. D.; Roberts, P.: Microhabitat variability in Human Evolution. Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 1208 (2021)
Fletcher, M.-S.; Hamilton, R.; Dressler, W.; Palmer, L.: Indigenous knowledge and the shackles of wilderness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (40), e2022218118, S. 1 - 7 (2021)
Roberts, P.; Hamilton, R.; Piperno, D. R.: Tropical forests as key sites of the “Anthropocene”: Past and present perspectives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (40), e2109243118, S. 1 - 7 (2021)
Hamilton, R.; Wolfhagen, J.; Amano, N.; Boivin, N.; Findley, D. M.; Iriarte, J.; Kaplan, J. O.; Stevenson, J.; Roberts, P.: Non-uniform tropical forest responses to the ‘Columbian Exchange’ in the Neotropics and Asia-Pacific. Nature Ecology & Evolution, s41559-021-01474-4 (2021)
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