Publikationen von Michael C. Gavin

Zeitschriftenartikel (15)

Haynie, H. J.; Kushnick, G.; Kavanagh, P. H.; Ember, C. R.; Bowern, C.; Low, B. S.; Tuff, T.; Vilela, B.; Kirby, K.; Botero, C. A. et al.; Gavin, M. C.: The biogeography and evolution of land ownership. Journal of Biogeography 50 (6), 14603, S. 1129 - 1138 (2023)
Dunn, R. R.; Wilson, J.; Nichols, L. M.; Gavin, M. C.: Toward a global ecology of fermented foods. Current Anthropology 62 (24), 716014 (2021)
Berl, R.; Samarasinghe, A.; Roberts, S.; Jordan, F. M.; Gavin, M. C.: Prestige and content biases together shape the cultural transmission of narratives. Evolutionary Human Sciences 3, e42 (2021)
Haynie, H. J.; Kavanagh, P. H.; Jordan, F. M.; Ember, C. R.; Gray, R. D.; Greenhill, S. J.; Kirby, K.; Kushnick, G.; Low, B. S.; Tuff, T. et al.; Vilela, B.; Botero, C. A.; Gavin, M. C.: Pathways to social inequality. Evolutionary Human Sciences 3, e35 (2021)
Fernández-Llamazares, Á.; Lepofsky, D.; Lertzman, K.; Armstrong, C. G.; Brondizio, E. S.; Gavin, M. C.; Lyver, P. O.; Nicholas, G. P.; Pascua, P.; Reo, N. J. et al.; Reyes-García, V.; Turner, N. J.; Yletyinen, J.; Anderson, E. N.; Balée, W.; Cariño, J.; David-Chavez, D. M.; Dunn, C. P.; Garnett, S. C.; Greening (La'goot), S.; Jackson (Niniwum Selapem), S.; Kuhnlein, H.; Molnár, Z.; Odonne, G.; Retter, G.-B.; Ripple, W. J.; Sáfián, L.; Bahraman, A. S.; Torrents-Ticó, M.; Vaughan, M. B.: Scientists' warning to humanity on threats to indigenous and local knowledge systems. BioOne Complete 41 (2), 41.2.144, S. 144 - 169 (2021)
Vilela, B.; Fristoe, T.; Tuff, T.; Kavanagh, P. H.; Haynie, H. J.; Gray, R. D.; Gavin, M. C.; Botero, C. A.: Cultural transmission and ecological opportunity jointly shaped global patterns of reliance on agriculture. Evolutionary Human Sciences 2, e53, S. 1 - 11 (2020)
Kavanagh, P. H.; Haynie, H. J.; Kushnick, G.; Vilela, B.; Tuff, T.; Bowern, C.; Low, B. S.; Ember, C. R.; Kirby, K. R.; Botero, C. A. et al.; Gavin, M. C.: Drivers of global variation in land ownership. Ecography 44 (1), 05205, S. 67 - 74 (2020)
Fernández-Llamazares, Á.; Terraube, J.; Gavin, M. C.; Pyhälä, A.; Siani, S. M.O.; Cabeza, M.; Brondizio, E. S.: Reframing the Wilderness Concept can Bolster Collaborative Conservation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2020.06.005 (2020)
Berl, R. E. W.; Samarasinghe, A. N.; Jordan, F. M.; Gavin, M. C.: The Position-Reputation-Information (PRI) scale of individual prestige. PLoS One 15 (6), e0234428 (2020)
Coelho, M. T. P.; Pereira, E. B.; Haynie, H. J.; Rangel, T. F.; Kavanagh, P.; Kirby, K.; Greenhill, S. J.; Bowern, C.; Gray, R. D.; Colwell, R. K. et al.; Evans, N.; Gavin, M. C.: Drivers of geographical patterns of North American language diversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286 (1899), 20190242 (2019)
David-Chavez, D. M.; Gavin, M. C.: A global assessment of Indigenous community engagement in climate research. Environmental Research Letters 13 (12), 123005 (2018)
Gavin, M. C.; Kavanagh, P. H.; Haynie, H. J.; Bowern, C.; Ember, C. R.; Gray, R. D.; Jordan, F. M.; Kirby, K.; Kushnick, G.; Low, B. S. et al.; Vilela, B.; Botero, C. A.: The global geography of human subsistence. Royal Society Open Science 5 (9), 171897 (2018)
Gavin, M.; McCarter, J.; Berkes, F.; Mead, A.; Sterling, E.; Tang, R.; Turner, N.: Effective biodiversity conservation requires dynamic, pluralistic, partnership-based approaches. Sustainability 10 (6), 1846 (2018)
Gavin, M. C.; Rangel, T. F.; Bowern, C.; Colwell, R. K.; Kirby, K. R.; Botero, C. A.; Dunn, M.; Dunn, R. R.; McCarter, J.; Coelho, M. T. P. et al.; Gray, R. D.: Process-based modelling shows how climate and demography shape language diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26 (5), S. 584 - 591 (2017)
Kirby, K. R.; Gray, R. D.; Greenhill, S. J.; Jordan, F.; Gomes-Ng, S.; Bibiko, H.-J.; Blasi, D. E.; Botero, C. A.; Bowern, C.; Ember, C. R. et al.; Leehr, D.; Low, B. S.; McCarter, J.; Divale, W.; Gavin, M. C.: D-PLACE: A global database of cultural, linguistic and environmental diversity. PLoS One 11 (7), e0158391 (2016)

Buchkapitel (1)

Rozzi, R.; May, R. H.; Chapin, F. S.; Massardo, F.; Gavin, M. C.; Klaver, I. J.; Pauchard, A.; Nuñez, M. A.; Simberloff, D.: From biocultural homogenization to biocultural conservation: A conceptual framework to reorient society toward sustainability of life. In: From Biocultural Homogenization to Biocultural Conservation, S. 1 - 17 (Hg. Rozzi, R.; May Jr., R. H.; Chapin III, F. S.; Massardo, F.; Gavin, M. C. et al.). Springer International Publishing, Cham (2019)

Forschungspapier (1)

Samarasinghe, A.; Berl, R.; Gavin, M. C.; Jordan, F.: Evaluations of accents can be used as a measure of prestige. SocArXiv, abgue (2019), 24 S.

Preprint (3)

Coelho, M. T. P.; Haynie, H. J.; Bowern, C.; Colwell, R. K.; Greenhill, S. J.; Kirby, K.; Rangel, T. F.; Gavin, M. C.: Demographic shifts, inter-group contact, and environmental conditions drive language extinction and diversification. SocArXiv Papers, xqr2u (2021)
Haynie, H.; Kushnick, G.; Kavanagh, P. H.; Ember, C.; Bowern, C.; Low, B. S.; Tuff, T.; Vilela, B.; Kirby, K.; Botero, C. A. et al.; Gavin, M. C.: The evolution and ecology of land ownership. SocArXiv Papers, y5n6z (2021)
Kavanagh, P. H.; Haynie, H. J.; Kushnick, G.; Vilela, B.; Tuff, T.; Bowern, C.; Low, B. S.; Ember, C. R.; Kirby, K.; Botero, C. A. et al.; Gavin, M. C.: The biogeography of land ownership. (2020)
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