Publikationen von Amy Grace Hatton

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Hatton, A. G.; Breeze, P. S.; Guagnin, M.; al-Jibrin, F.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Petraglia, M.; Groucutt, H. S.: Landscape positioning of Neolithic mustatil stone structures along the margins of the Nefud Desert, Saudi Arabia. The Holocene 34 (12), 09596836241275010, S. 1837 - 1851 (2024)
Stewart, M.; Andrieux, E.; Blinkhorn, J.; Guagnin, M.; Fernandes, R.; Vanwezer, N.; Hatton, A.; Alqahtani, M.; Zalmout, I.; Clark-Wilson, R. et al.; Al-Mufarreh, Y. S. A.; Al-Shanti, M.; Zahrani, B.; Al Omari, A.; Al-Jibreen, F.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M.; Groucutt, H. S.: First evidence for human occupation of a lava tube in Arabia: the archaeology of Umm Jirsan Cave and its surroundings, northern Saudi Arabia. PLOS ONE 19 (4), e0299292 (2024)

Buchkapitel (1)

Collins, B.; Hatton, A.; Nowell, A.; Ames, C. J. H.: Manufacturing social landscapes: bead production, exchange, and social connections at Grassridge Rockshelter, South Africa. In: Culturing the body: past perspectives on identity and sociality, Chapter 2, S. 41 - 67 (Hg. Collins, B.; Nowell, A.). Berghahn Books, [New York] (2024)
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