Zeitschriftenartikel (96)

Wolf, A.; Baker, J. L.; Tjallingii, R.; Cai, Y.; Osinzev, A.; Antonosyan, M.; Amano, N.; Johnson, K. R.; Skiba, V.; McCormack, J. et al.; Kwiecien, O.; Chervyatsova, O. Y.; Dublyansky, Y. V.; Dbar, R. S.; Cheng, H.; Breitenbach, S. F. M.: Western Caucasus regional hydroclimate controlled by cold-season temperature variability since the Last Glacial Maximum. Communications Earth & Environment 5 (1), 66 (2024)
Bayarsaikhan, J.; Turbat, T.; Bayandelger, C.; Tuvshinjargal, T.; Wang, J.; Chechushkov, I.; Uetsuki, M.; Isahaya, N.; Hudson, M.; Shiraishi, N. et al.; Li, Y.; Zhang, C.; Eregzen, G.; Caspari, G.; López-Calle, P.; Conver, J. L.; Tressières, G.; Chauvey, L.; Birgel, J.; Erdene-Ochir, N.-O.; Bemmann, J.; Hodgins, G.; Richter, K. K.; Orlando, L.; Warinner, C.; Taylor, W. T. T.: The origins of saddles and riding technology in East Asia: discoveries from the Mongolian Altai. Antiquity 98 (397), 172, S. 102 - 118 (2024)
Adams, S.; Norman, K.; Kemp, J.; Jacobs, Z.; Costelloe, M.; Fairbairn, A.; Robins, R.; Stock, E.; Moss, P.; Smith, T. et al.; Love, S.; Manne, T.; Lowe, K. M.; Logan, I.; Manoel, M.; McFadden, K.; Burns, D.; Dooley, T.; Falkiner, Z.; Clarkson, C.: Early human occupation of Australia’s eastern seaboard. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 2579 (2024)
Zhang, Y.; Westaway, K. E.; Haberle, S.; Lubeek, J. K.; Bailey, M.; Ciochon, R.; Morley, M. W.; Roberts, P.; Zhao, J.-x.; Duval, M. et al.; Dosseto, A.; Pan, Y.; Rule, S.; Liao, W.; Gully, G. A.; Lucas, M.; Mo, J.; Yang, L.; Cai, Y.; Wang, W.; Joannes-Boyau, R.: The demise of the giant ape Gigantopithecus blacki. Nature 625 (7995), s41586-023-06900-0, S. 535 - 539 (2024)
Fuks, D.; Schmidt, F.; García-Collado, M. I.; Besseiche, M.; Payne, N.; Bosi, G.; Bouchaud, C.; Castiglioni, E.; Dabrowski, V.; Frumin, S. et al.; Fuller, D. Q.; Hovsepyan, R.; Muthukumaran, S.; Peña-Chocarro, L.; Jordá, G. P.; Ros, J.; Rottoli, M.; Ryan, P.; Spengler, R.; Stevens, C. J.; Valamoti, S. M.; Weiss, E.; Alexander, M.; Gros-Balthazard, M.: Orphan crops of archaeology-based crop history research. Plants, people, planet, 3.10468 (2024)
Hamilton, R.; Amano, N.; Bradshaw, C. J. A.; Saltré, F.; Patalano, R.; Penny, D.; Stevenson, J.; Wolfhagen, J.; Roberts, P.: Forest mosaics, not savanna corridors, dominated in Southeast Asia during the Last Glacial Maximum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (1), e2311280120, S. 1 - 8 (2024)
Hawkins, S.; Zetika, G. A.; Kinaston, R.; Firmando, Y. R.; Sari, D. M.; Suniarti, Y.; Lucas, M.; Roberts, P.; Reepmeyer, C.; Maloney, T. et al.; Kealy, S.; Stirling, C.; Reid, M.; Barr, D.; Kleffmann, T.; Kumar, A.; Yuwono, P.; Litster, M.; Husni, M.; Ririmasse, M.; Ita, M.; Mujabuddawat, M.; Harriyadi, H.; O'Connor, S.: Earliest known funerary rites in Wallacea after the last glacial maximum. Scientific Reports 14, 282 (2024)
González , J.; Ziegler, M.; Chaparroo, J.: Alcaparros: un asentamiento con monumentalidad temprana durante el Holoceno medio en los Andes orientales de Colombia. Arqueología Y Patrimonio 4 (1), 2898, S. 77 - 109 (2024)
Hamilton, R.; Gillespie, J.; Penny, D.; Ingrey, S.; Mooney, S.: Re-imagining Sydney’s freshwater wetlands through historical ecology. Landscape research 49 (2), 2271421, S. 268 - 286 (2024)
Jha, D.; Vaishnav, H. K.; Roy, N.: Late Quaternary human-environment relationship in the Ganga Plain, India. Quaternary International 680, 2024.01.002, S. 1 - 16 (2024)
Klontza-Jaklová, V.; Panagiotakis, N.; Tengeriová, R.; Smíšek, M.; Fernandes, R.; Klontzas, M.: Equines on Crete from the end of the nineteenth century to the present day. Cheiron: The International Journal of Equine and Equestrian History 4 (1), 148005, S. 114 - 133 (2024)
Kraan, C. T.; Kappers, M.; Lowe, K. M.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Giovas, C. M.: Radiocarbon dates from Curaçao’s oldest Archaic site extend earliest island settlement to ca. 5700 cal BP. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 19 (4), 2321575, S. 871 - 878 (2024)
Paladugu, R.; Celant, A.; Jha, G.; Di Rita, F.; de Sousa, E.; Arruda, A. M.; Maurer, A.-F.; Magri, D.; Barrocas Dias, C.: Insights into agricultural practices at the Phoenician site of Castro Marim between 7th-5th century BCE. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 3, 1461150 (2024)
Ramírez-Pedraza, I.; Tornero, C.; Aouraghe, H.; Rivals, F.; Patalano, R.; Haddoumi, H.; Expósito, I.; Rodríguez-Hidalgo, A.; Mischke, S.; van der Made, J. et al.; Piñero, P.; Blain, H.-A.; Roberts, P.; Jha, D.; Agustí, J.; Sánchez-Bandera, C.; Lemjidi, A.; Benito-Calvo, A.; Moreno-Ribas, E.; Oujaa, A.; Mhamdi, H.; Souhir, M.; Aissa, A. M.; Chacón, M. G.; Sala-Ramos, R.: Arid, mosaic environments during the Plio-Pleistocene transition and early hominin dispersals in northern Africa. Nature Communications 15 (1), 8393 (2024)
Roberts, P.; Carleton, W. C.; Amano, N.; Findley, D. M.; Hamilton, R.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Winkelmann, R.; Laubichler, M. D.; Renn, J.: Using urban pasts to speak to urban presents in the Anthropocene. Nature cities 1 (1), s44284-023-00014-4, S. 30 - 41 (2024)
Timbrell, L.; Habte, B.; Tefera, Y.; Maroma, C.; Ndiema, E.; Plomp, K.; Blinkhorn, J.; Grove, M.: Stone point variability reveals spatial, chronological and environmental structuring of eastern African Middle Stone Age populations. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 59 (1), 2268986, S. 111 - 139 (2024)

Buch (1)

David, B.; Fletcher, M.-S.; Connor, S.; Pullin, V. R.; Birkett-Rees, J.; Delannoy, J.-J.; Mariani, M.; Romano, A.; Maezumi, S. Y.: Cultural burning. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2024), iv, 72 S.

Buchkapitel (2)

Hixon, S.: Archaeology of Madagascar. In: Oxford research encyclopedia of African history, 013.795 (Hg. Spear, T.). Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford (2024)
Miller, J.: Perspectives on Stone Age sociality: a new role for Ostrick eggshell beads. In: Culturing the body: past perspectives on identity and sociality, Chapter 3, S. 68 - 86 (Hg. Collins, B.; Nowell, A.). Berghahn Books, [New York] (2024)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (2)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Wang, N.: Development and application of palaeoproteomics (ZooMS) on Palaeolithic assemblages from Europe and East Asia. Dissertation, 165 S., Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät; Universität Tübingen, Tübingen (2024)
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