Publikationen von Aymeric Hermann
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (5)
7 (1), 141 (2020)
Pofatu, a curated and open-access database for geochemical sourcing of archaeological materials. Scientific Data 2.
44 (1), S. 61 - 68 (2020)
Length and weight reconstruction of Chlorurus microrhinos (Scaridae) from isolated cranial bones and vertebrae. Cybium: International Journal of Ichthyology 3.
151, 11963, S. 239 - 262 (2020)
Approche interdisciplinaire des échanges interculturels et de l’intégration des communautés polynésiennes dans le centre du Vanuatu. Journal de la société des océanistes 4.
10 (2), 282, S. 55 - 62 (2019)
The long-term history of Teti'aroa (Society Islands, French Polynesia): new archaeological and ethnohistorical investigations. Journal of Pacific Archaeology 5.
54 (3), arco.5187, S. 184 - 199 (2019)
Geochemical sourcing of volcanic materials imported into Teti'aroa Atoll shows multiple long-distance interactions in the Windward Society Islands, French Polynesia. Archaeology in Oceania Buch (1)
Networks and monumentality in the Pacific. Archaeopress, Oxford (2020), 104 S.
Buchkapitel (4)
1, 24859, S. 718 - 722 (Hg. Kouamé, N.; Meyer, É. P.; Viguier, A.). Presses de l’Inalco, Paris (2020)
Herminettes océaniennes: Oceanian Adzes. In: Encyclopédie des historiographies: Afriques, Amériques, Asies; sources et genres historiques [Vol. 1], Bd. 8.
Hermann, A.; Valentin, F.; Sand, C.; Nolet, E.). Archaeopress, Oxford (2020)
Introduction [to Networks and monumentality in the Pacific]. In: Networks and Monumentality in the Pacific, S. 1 - 4 (Hg. 9.
Pitcairn before the mutineers: Revisiting the isolation of a Polynesian Island. In: The Bounty from the beach: Cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary essays, S. 67 - 94 (Hg. Largeaud-Ortega, S.). ANU Press, Canberra (2018)
Archéologie de Tupua'i: bilan des travaux et perspectives de recherche. In: Bilan de la recherche archéologique en Polynésie française: 2003-2004, S. 331 - 344 (Hg. Marchesi, H.). Ministère de la Jeunesse, de la Culture et du Patrimoine de Polynésie française, Tahiti (2005)