Human Palaeosystems – Forschungsgruppe

Publikationen von Harald Ringbauer

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Wang, X.; Skourtanioti, E.; Benz, M.; Gresky, J.; Ilgner, J.; Lucas, M.; Morsch, M.; Peters, J.; Pöllath, N.; Ringbauer, H. et al.; le Roux, P.; Schultz, M.; Krause, J.; Roberts, P.; Stockhammer, P. W.: Isotopic and DNA analyses reveal multiscale PPNB mobility and migration across Southeastern Anatolia and the Southern Levant. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (4), e2210611120, S. 1 - 12 (2023)
Freilich, S.; Ringbauer, H.; Los, D.; Novak, M.; Pavičić, D. T.; Schiffels, S.; Pinhasi, R.: Reconstructing genetic histories and social organisation in Neolithic and Bronze Age Croatia. Scientific Reports, 16729 (2021)
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